Which version do you have installed and what do you use your installation for?
Latest LSIO docker image
I was like WTF is LS10 and then I realised you wrote LSIO and it all clicked into place 😂
Latest. Use it for personal storage, data sync, carddav and caldav
How are you finding it? Do you connect from outside or just sync when you get home?
It runs on a dedi in a datacenter, not at home. So yeah, always connected.
Ooh, fancy! I feel like I should I need sunglasses when I look at you now, my eyes keep turning to stars and I’m drooling 😂
It’s a great peace of mind. Runs well, syncs contacts and calendars betwrrn devices. I also sync all data to home for a backup
Damn, this sounds like exactly what I need.
Nextcloud Hub 3 (25.0.13) running in an LXC inside Proxmox.
Probably more work to setup than something like docker, but it’s been years since I set that up.
I just update it now and then through the web UI and that’s mostly fine.
Years ago, before the nextcloud spin-off, OwnCloud broke at every other update and it was a pain, but I yaven’t had this issue in forever. I’m sure OwnCloud also got better in that time but I haven’t tested it.My usecase is mostly just file storage with the occasional sharing.
My partner and I, both have our own accounts, but are part of a share group or whatever that’s called now.
Short story is we have our separate stuff but also a common folder.
Otherwise there’s the occasional public link.I dabbled with Talk a while back but I’m already using Signal or Matrix, so didn’t use that much.
Never used the contacts or calendar, but maybe I should because I’ve been meaning to degoogle more and the calendar is acting up.It’s really for the contacts and calendar that I’m considering it
Latest inside docker. Not the all in one version.
Any particular reason why not the AIO one?
Yes. I have a shared database server for several services. And the AIO stuff came out after I had set up my server and I am way too lazy to change it now.
That’s fair. If you were starting anew, would you go for the AIO?
Not sure. I’d have to look again how it works exactly.
27.0.1 NextcloudPi, specifically. Running on a Pi4 that’s booting from a 1TB SSD. Currently using it for photo backup from my phone and sync point for Quillpad. I tried AIO on my main server, but it ran poorly on my admittedly older hardware. The Pi build seems to run well, so far.
When I was doing the reading, it suggested that the AIO was the successor of the Pi version, your experience doesn’t support that. Would you suggest going for the Pi?
My main server is a HP Microserver gen 8 with a passively cooled Xeon (don’t remember which atm), 16GB of RAM. By computer standards it’s pretty old. (That generation was made from 2013 to 2015, iirc). I still tried the AIO docker container installed on Unraid. Beyond the difficulties with initial setup, it ran really poorly. Navigation through the Web app was sluggish. I also noticed that it took quite a bit of the available system resources, more than I had to spare with the other apps I was running.
So once I heard about the Pi build, I had to try. I had the Pi4 collecting dust anyway. And so far, it runs better. I found the setup wizard to be easier as well.
Note: I’m still new in my selfhosting journey. About a year now.
Seems like the Pi version is the way to go then. If your Pi 4 was having issues, my Pi 5 definitely will