I’ve just assumed, if you’re willing to accept that the human fist evolved for punching, that the chin evolved for taking a punch.
Anyone who hasn’t followed that link needs to do so now! It’s got human cadaver arms manipulated with fishing line and guitar tuning knobs. It’s got a link to an article titled “Your Face: Punching Bag or Spandrel?”
You can’t possibly find a better way to spend 10 minutes!
Unfortunately the images don’t load without JavaScript, so…
Oh that’s not good. Obviously, I’ve chosen to allow js, but basic stuff should work without it.
Who downvoted you? I couldn’t have sold the article better myself!
Heh. I gave up trying to figure out voting a long time ago. I find it both fascinating and disturbing that there are people out there who see anything I write as worthy of a dowvote. :)
Wait, how did they make the cadaver arms punch and slap?
Gauges measured stress on the metacarpals during punches and slaps on padded-dumbbell targets created with a pendulum-like device.
I take “a pendulum-like device” to mean they suspended either the arms or the targets and swung them to a collision.
This whole device sounds morbid but hilarious. Did they like strap dead bodies to a swing and position them like Superman and swing their bodies into a wall fist fist?
That would have been awesome, but I suspect that it was just the arms and that it was powered in some way, hence “pendulum-like”.
You read the same article I did, so I’m also a little fuzzy on the exact details other than attaching fishing lines to tendons and possibly tightening them with guitar tuners. I’m not sure how they launched an attack.
Gauges measured stress on the metacarpals during punches and slaps on padded-dumbbell targets created with a pendulum-like device.
I take “a pendulum-like device” to mean they suspended either the arms or the targets and swung them to a collision.
Fucking dangling modifiers. I thought they were saying that they manufactured targets using a pendulum-like device. I kept reading that statement thinking it was such an oddly specific detail to vaguely reference. But using a pendulum to ensure consistent force and accuracy makes sense.
Although, for my money, I’d rather strap a dead hand to a rocket-powered sled.
Yes, it was very badly constructed. I had to read it a couple of times to decode it, and I have the advantage of having graded essays :)
Yay! Education Buddies!
Humans evolved chins so we could have Bruce Campbell.
Jay Leno
And Bruce Willis
Humans evolved chins shortly after inventing pillow cases. No other animal has a chin, nor do any other animals have pillow cases.
It’s just science.
My dog has a pillow case. How fast do chins grow? I don’t think he would look good with one.
And some of us have two
I thought anything below teeth count as chin?
I though elephants did as well?
After a google, elephants have a 'chin-like’protrusion, but it doesnt qualify as a chin
Like Harland Williams
gorillas have no chin, then.