Plexamp, the music player originally incubated by the Labs division of media company Plex, is now free, the company announced today. The project was first launched in 2017 as Plex’s own spin on the classic Winamp media player app, offering visualizations to accompany your tunes, tools for programming mixes, and more recently, a ChatGPT-powered “Sonic Sage” […]
The app is great! But if you’re used to micromanage you songs, you gonna have a bad time.
I always put my music through MusicBrainz Picard, have had 0 issues with plex picking stuff up
It’s not a matter of Plex not picking it up correctly. More a matter of what you’re limited to do afterwards with the data.
And once you’re there, you’re stuck in the closed ecosystem.
But hey I’m still using Plexamp so they must be doing some things right
I honestly still use iTunes as a manger for my music, and doubletwist on android to sync solely because it moves over the smart playlists as well. I have WAY more music than necessary and I’m very meticulous about what music goes where.
If the iTunes playlists could sync natively to plex it really wouldn’t be that much of an issue and I’d stream from my server :/.
I feel you. I got tired of iTunes and migrated everything thing to Plex for the sake of usability / device compatibility, and I am dumbfounded by the lack of basic features in Plex music.
They basically applied the features of Plex Movies over to Plex Music without really thinking about it much.
Yep that’s exactly what I thought too. I do like how simple the movie/tv management CAN be (assuming naming structures are correct) but a lot is lost in the weeds of simplicity.
Well, TV management is easy unless it’s anime (looking at you DBZ). Or looney toons. Ended up having to buy a license to file bot for dbz.
Same. iTunes and winamp are still the best, imo. I use Plex to stream my library but all my management is done in the other two apps
Btw, there is an itunes extension for Plex that will display your playlists. I think it’s built in but you need to enable it
Last I checked it doesn’t work with smart playlists :(. I’ll check into it again, it may have been updated.
Oh my bad. Yeah I don’t think smart playlists work, at least not for me :/