The report came up with a scenario for growth if the UK had stayed inside the EU, and compared it to forecasts the Office for Budget Responsibility made in March last year.
I wish I could find the video about some seafood business owner who was spending so much more money paying to ship out the mussels and other live seafood to the EU that she was having to sell her livestock on her farm to pay all the additional paperwork, she still didn’t want to admit that she regretted her exit vote. She was selling one cow at a time to try and stay afloat but couldn’t admit her mistake.
Make Great Britain Great again! 🤮
Great Britain Regre-exit
I wish I could find the video about some seafood business owner who was spending so much more money paying to ship out the mussels and other live seafood to the EU that she was having to sell her livestock on her farm to pay all the additional paperwork, she still didn’t want to admit that she regretted her exit vote. She was selling one cow at a time to try and stay afloat but couldn’t admit her mistake.
All the great bits about Great Britain aren’t English.
Yay, well Murray is when he wins, everyone knows that.