Sometimes some of my automations don’t trigger, so when I look at the trace to find out why, I’ll see something like unknown entity. Does anyone know what’s happening and how to fix it?
My guess is that at some point you had a lux sensor (illuminance) as a condition and that entity has either had its name changed or has been deleted.
Check out the automation (either in the builder or in the yaml) to see if you have this condition. Then see if that entity still exists or if it’s name has changed.
Edit: for clarity
See that’s the weird thing. I haven’t removed or renamed any devices and most of the time everything works, but once in awhile I get these errors.
Once I had devices that replaced entities with new ones with a different ID after a firmware update. It happened to some ESPHome devices I had after upgrading the firmware. Have you checked the device the entity belongs to?
Yup, once I manually trigger the automations, everything starts working again
Very strange. Are you yaml based or automatic builder based? Can you post your code/screen shots?
Automatic builder. Just had it happen again
alias: Illuminate Bathroom description: "" trigger: - type: occupied platform: device device_id: 59772f660e8f058102f9e94a02403969 entity_id: d4e7dc31bf50b3a2302c611bbf16bc94 domain: binary_sensor condition: - type: is_illuminance condition: device device_id: 59772f660e8f058102f9e94a02403969 entity_id: c192872a4d9f435658f8e84c4ad110b5 domain: sensor below: 1200 - type: is_motion condition: device device_id: 0ae8165edc6622b670e24f99a7911c07 entity_id: 2314ba20932943fdb166814cfa6156b0 domain: binary_sensor action: - service: switch.turn_on metadata: {} data: {} target: device_id: bd72cd3e24be2facbf8e6bf459e93b09 mode: single
Screenshot of the build
Have you looked at your logs to see if anything looks fishy? Check your main logs but also the logs in your zigbee integration
Also it may be time to submit it as a bug.
If yo use ZHA, you might try increasing the timeout for batterie powered devices in Network settings of ZHA integrationI’m using Zigbee2MQTT and they’re plugged in, but the fade is set to something like 5 seconds
Maybe click on that lux entity in the dashboard and see if it has been consistently transmitting its data (on the history graph)? I’m pretty sure you’ll get this warning if the state reads “unavailable” which could be a reception issue or a dying sensor.
I recently saw this happen to an animation of mine and I think this was the cause
Maybe I should actually update the coordinator