This is exactly how Trumpism gets seeded into mainstream Australia. Dutton can fuck right off with his racist dogwhistling, and find something better to complain about.
If Dutton is against it, it’s probably the right thing to do.
The man is like a compass that points south.
He’s not actually useless, but why Bizarro? Why?
Let the market decide. No not like that
This isn’t the market deciding, this is pandering. Kmart literally said they’re stopping it due to “inclusivity”, and Woolworths even said that too:
“There has been a gradual decline in demand for Australia Day merchandise from our stores over recent years. At the same time there’s been broader discussion about 26 January and what it means to different parts of the community,”
Making up the former to enforce the latter.
Do you think either retailer would give a crap about “inclusivity” or the “broader discussion” if sales weren’t declining? It’s not pandering it’s marketing
Yes, they do because companies are judged and scored on ridiculous stuff like that, and companies are more and more trying to pander to these ideologies. Example: Bud Light, Target (US), and now Kmart here specifically saying that they are removing Australia day merchandise to be more “inclusive”, not due to declining sales.
what society defines as moral isn’t “ridiculous stuff”… pressure is one of the only tools we have to ensure companies behave morally
i’m not saying this is moral or not, but (and i’m about to make a reductio ad absurdum argument so we can pull it back after) we should absolutely boycott any retailer that sells nazi flags, right?
given that the answer to that question - from most people - would be a resounding yes, there’s certainly a line in the sand… for some people, australia day sits on that same side of the line
personally, i don’t really celebrate australia day more because i think nationalism is a heaping pile of shit that reinforces us vs them in and out group mentality, racism etc and should be fought in all its forms… i like australia and think we have a pretty good culture and way of living, but buying bullshit with a flag on it to use for a single day to celebrate how good we are is my definition of wasteful and narcissistic
but buying bullshit with a flag on it to use for a single day to celebrate how good we are is my definition of wasteful and narcissistic
You don’t have to only use the stuff for a single day you know?
you don’t, but all of these are cheap garbage themed products that only last for a single day, even if you were okay with being cringe-worthy enough to use them on other days
The only people who have any interest in buying this cheap/overpriced foreign-manufactured landfill are the weirdos with 3 Australian flags hanging out of their Commodore rear door windows.
Nowadays, those weirdos would be more inclined to purchase Red Ensign flags under the ironically mistaken belief that they represent Sovereign Citizenship. They should not be celebrating Australia Day, although I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some of these nutjobs celebrating Invasion Day as a victory over the Indigenous nations of Australia.
Nothing says Australia more than cheap plastic shit with the flag printed on it.
Which is probably made in China
Woolies would keep the crap if people bought it. I’m unconvinced they would drop the range if it were making them buckets of money.
I’ll bet it’s loads more profit per shelf to fill that space with back-to-school stuff.
It’s us who don’t want Australia Day stuff. Possibly because we don’t exactly have wads of spare disposable income to spend on luxuries? Maybe because we have a personal stance on Australia Day? Maybe we just don’t care?
Woolies would keep the crap if people bought it. I’m unconvinced they would drop the range if it were making them buckets of money.
Nah, it’s just more DEI-led stuff where they’re trying to pander to the vocal minority to score points, like Bud Light and Target did in America, where it backfired massively. Make no mistake, they’re dropping it for “inclusivity” like Kmart did, not because it doesn’t make money. They even mentioned this in their statement:
There has been a gradual decline in demand for Australia Day merchandise from our stores over recent years. At the same time there’s been broader discussion about 26 January and what it means to different parts of the community,"
It’ll be back next year when they fuck around and find out this year. Keep politics and pandering out of grocery stores. Didn’t ever think I’d have to say that lol. It’s ridiculous.
It’ll be back next year when they fuck around and find out this year.
Ultimately, Coles and Woolies are untouchable. It’s almost impossible to boycott them. That’s the whole problem with the grocery duopoly in Australia. I don’t foresee this move having any impact on them either way. They know it, too. You may be right and they’re pandering somewhat, but I am a cynic and I believe they’re doing it because the range isn’t making enough money to justify its shelf space.
In a large city they can be practically boycotted. Most people just can’t be bothered.
If you utilise Aldi, IGA and/or Foodworks, you can get most of what you can get from Coles/Woolworths, and you will probably save money.
Although making trips to multiple different supermarkets is an inconvenience.
Fwiw I think you’re both right, the duality means they don’t give a fuck if there is a blowback as you’ll be right back there anyway and they’re likely doing this because they figure the pandering may be worth the more money.
Wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing is just to stop people asking “why the fuck aren’t they passing on cost savings”.
They’re absolutely pandering, which is why they put this in their statement:
At the same time there’s been broader discussion about 26 January and what it means to different parts of the community
Fuck around and find out that stocking shelves for a one day event with cheap plastic crap that isn’t selling well is a bad idea?
‘Help help, I’m being repressed!’
Make no mistake, they’re dropping it for “inclusivity” like Kmart did, not because it doesn’t make money.
Even if this were true, it would be because they’ve determined that the “inclusivity” (whatever that is) is going to make them money.
Just like Bud Light and Target did in the US. Look how that worked out for them.
Uh, how did it work out for them ? InBev’s share price is higher than it was a year ago.
Bud Light tanked. It was the number 1 beer in its category up until that decision - a title it had held for 20 years. It isn’t now.
Their vice president responsible for it was removed.
They lost marketshare across the board.
Their american sales have not recovered.
Bill Gates threw $100 million at their stock in an effort to get it to go back up. Remember - Bud Light is not their whole company. Bud Light has likely been irrevocably harmed. Other beer brands have gained market share, Bud Light lost the number 1 spot it had held for 20 years. Share price isn’t everything when it’s a worldwide brand.
Some facebook-meme level reasoning here bro. If gates bought $100m in stock in september then he’s made $10m on that bet in the last 4 months. You can cherry-pick whatever factoids you like but the bare facts are, no one really cares.
I guess we will see what happens when woolies share price tanks this week. SMH.
So you ignore 90% of my post that proves my point to focus on the 10% that you think proves yours? Lol
Let me guess - it was a coincidence that bud light got dethroned after 20 years at the same time they pulled their stunt?
Mate what the fuck do you think ‘decline in demand’ means?
It means an easy excuse that they can throw out there to make people like you believe it’s not just for the stupid “inclusivity” reason, and it clearly works on the gullible.
Bold move for Voldemort who’s always loved the free market and despised boycotts.
FFS dont say his name! Now he knows where you are and he is going to send a bunch of voting material to you! Or recruit you as an au pair!
Gonna sue you for being demonstrably mean to him.
I expect to see him decked out on Jan 26 in an Australian flag singlet with Australian flag boardies and thongs. Waving little Australian flags and giving out cute stuffed kangaroos and koalas to kids.
Or, I dunno, maybe he could just be a hypocrite?
The less cheap plastic crap that will end up in landfill and waterways on the 27th the better. What a stupid thing to kick up a stink about. I know why he’s doing it but I’m sick of conservatives turning every little fucking thing into more culture war bullshit. Just fuck off already.
I had to check whether this is was from The Shovel or not. Honestly, it’s baffling that a federal politician (and head of the opposition) is focusing on something so trivial.
It’s an absolutely perfect example of how petty he and his ilk are.
Imagine being this fragile.
weird thing for someone who wants to be PM to do. this is Katter type nonsense
I’m all for boycotting Woolies for their business practices, but not as much as I am for boycotting that semi sentient potato.
Yeah, when people are struggling to afford food this is the big issue to focus on. /s
“Cancel culture is running rampant!” - Peter Dutton discussing Peter Dutton, probably.
Tell him that he is trying to get government to intervene in a market-driven choice
Agreed! Lets boycott Dutton. Oh wait, sorry. I misread that. Well, I’ve already typed it now so Im sticking with it.
he has nothing to lose… may as well try the Trump playbook