I am back! (hopefully) with properly scheduled weekly thread.

Not much change from what I mentioned in last thread couple of days ago.

Still playing Sniper Elite 4, I think I am about 60-70% done. And got back into Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 after taking a break over the holidays.

What about all of you? What have you been playing?

And while we are at it, what are your new year’s gaming resolution? Play more games? Play less games? Don’t pre-order? Always pre-order?

I don’t have anything as big as resolution, but I have been meaning to focus on older (J)RPGs from my wishlist / backlog that I haven’t had time for. So, unless something changes, I am planning to go to my “patient gamer” roots and ignore (most of the) new stuff.

  • Phelpssan@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Finished Persona 5 Tactica!

    Most of my comments about this game are on the previous thread.

    Overall a fairly simple game, but I had a good time with it. Worth mentioning that it doesn’t seem to have much replay value other than playing or higher difficulties or trying to complete the Compendium.

    Playing The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails!

    A very charming Action RPG from the makers of Ys.

    It’s stage-based, which makes it a good game for playing in short bursts, with the stages having specific “goals” that grant you bonuses if you manage to do it. I really like the “seasons” design, where after you beat a stage you can come back and play it in a different season of the year, which is effectively a new (and harder) stage based on the original one.

    Combat is not as fluid as recent Falcom ARPGs, but it gets better as you unlock new abilities and spells. Story is fairly simple, but has that usual Falcom thing where the NPCs are interesting and fun to chat with. Though it also has some of the usual Falcom annoyances, like a decent amount of missables - so make sure to explore properly before going into a new chapter.

    I believe I’m nearing the endgame (Chapter 6), though I haven’t played much this past few days as I have been focused on other hobbies. Will resume and try to finish this one next week.

    And while we are at it, what are your new year’s gaming resolution? Play more games? Play less games? Don’t pre-order? Always pre-order?

    Honestly, it’s just “beat more games than you buy”. I have a gigantic backlog and I need to keep moving forward with it.