By signing his latest fascist legislation which criminalizes undocumented immigrants for…well… just being in Florida, De Santis has effectively chased out virtually the entire undocumented poplulation of the state, which means more than 80% of the construction workers, and nearly 100% of the agricultural workers. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It cascades from there. I just spent half an hour on tiktok, for an old timer like me that’s a bit of a challenge, but it was worth it. In that short amount of time, I saw latin truckers blocking entire highways with their boycotting and refusing to deliver loads in Florida, or to take loads out. They aren’t even undocumented, that’s just the solidarity folks.
Florida has become a state of idiots. Enjoy your reward for living in stupidity.
Hey I didn’t vote for this, I voted for the dem who was a republican a while back… Man we’re fucked down here.