Maybe someone smarter than me can explain things, but It’s been about a month since I’ve started the process of creating a magazine to support the reddit/discord community I’ve helped mod for the past 4 years… but I’ve noticed that zero posts show up in google search.

Lot’s of communities are indexed, some tags are, but not really any posts (unless I don’t know how to search, I assumed site:// was enough to skim for this). Compared to something like: site:// where individual posts are indexed.

Is it just because it’s new(er)? Is there something technically wrong with Kbin that it’s taking so long to be crawled? (I thought maybe some noindex was setup but that doesn’t seem it)

Until posts start getting indexed at a relatively decent rate, even slowly, I can’t antipate any progress in adoption since that typically is a large driving factor, at least for my niche. I know that for the subreddit part that was always a large source of traffic.

While I’m being social - can someone explain what Tags and Badges are?


    2 years ago

    @fearout It just occurred to me that all you need is your own server and you just need to index that server only. It basically gets data from all other instances through the standard activityPub protocol. It works differently than traditional crawlers, but the outcome is the same.