We apologize, but your web browser is configured in such a way that it is preventing this site from implementing required components that protect your privacy and allow you to view and change your privacy settings. This functionality is required for privacy legislation in your region.
We recommend you use a different browser or disable the “EasyList Cookie” filter from your “Content Filtering” settings (found under “Settings” -> “Shields” in the Brave Browser).
No issue for me, sounds like you’ve got some settings they don’t like, rather than explicitly blocking Firefox.
However I’ve had worse websites that just simply don’t work in Firefox at all. I mean, they do load, but there’s no ability to scroll, thus you cannot see the bulk of the content. An example: https://idno.vattenfall.co.uk/
Fucking CNN blocks firefox? wtf
Works fine for me. Firefox, Android, and within the EU.
Works fine for me even with adblocking & tracker bloacking.
worked for me, FireFox Ublock, ABP, and no-script
It opens fine for me on Android
No issue for me, sounds like you’ve got some settings they don’t like, rather than explicitly blocking Firefox.
However I’ve had worse websites that just simply don’t work in Firefox at all. I mean, they do load, but there’s no ability to scroll, thus you cannot see the bulk of the content. An example: https://idno.vattenfall.co.uk/
Try replacing “edition” with “lite” in the URL