First you must locate one. Watch an entire season of Ultimate Troll Warrior (an American show imported from Japan). You will likely locate one. You may have to watch more than one season. Afterward, rely on technically-savvy stalkers to dox said Warrior. Contact them using that info, but be very careful not to come off as awkward. I recommend rehearsing in front of a mirror a few times.
That’s sort of the design of therapy: a neutral 3rd party who you can open up to without the usual conversational rules.
Except you probably don’t call your therapist “UltimateTrollWarrior” (or maybe you do, I don’t know your life).
A standard Troll Warrior simply would not suffice.
Please could you tell me how to contact your Ultimate Troll Warrior? Do I need to go on a quest?
First you must locate one. Watch an entire season of Ultimate Troll Warrior (an American show imported from Japan). You will likely locate one. You may have to watch more than one season. Afterward, rely on technically-savvy stalkers to dox said Warrior. Contact them using that info, but be very careful not to come off as awkward. I recommend rehearsing in front of a mirror a few times.
Except an internet stranger can’t send you to the grippy socks hospital if you say the wrong thing.