• MagicShel@programming.dev
    2 years ago

    Losing the Google search is indeed unfortunate.

    I guess I just do social differently. I’ve done a lot of total migrations from one platform or ecosystem or roleplaying group to another over the years. I’m not an overly connected person even IRL. I probably should’ve realized other folks see social media differently and that what I see as essentially zero cost or effort wouldn’t be how others see it. I’ll be more cognizant in the future that most folks are more connected to each other.

    I think I am just nostalgic for the internet that was small, decentralized and uncommercialized. So I like to say fuck the big companies who bring together huge communities and then want to exploit them for money. I also feel like… you know (probably better than me) like a community of 100k people isn’t actually a community of 100k but more like 100 people who are really the community core and 99.9k people with a passing interest. I’m perpetually in the latter group - I feel like in any group of that many people I should just shut up and let actual authorities speak on any given subject and I’ll comment from the peanut gallery. (TBH, I often find myself wishing more people would be less self-important.) Even in areas that I’m arguably an expert in (been doing programming for over twenty-five years so I’ve got some comfort) there are always a ton of people with broader experience that is probably more relevant to the average person so even then I’m not the person folks should be hearing.

    Hell, the idea that someone would remember me from one comment to another is a little intimidating to be perfectly honest. Maybe that’s why I delete my accounts every so often. Anyway that’s enough words that are probably barely interesting or relevant to you. This is where I’d normally delete a comment after spending an hour writing it but apparently not this time. Have a great day!