• @AClassyGentleman@lemmy.ml
    3811 months ago

    I mean I’d say organizing to overthrow the socioeconomic system causing climate change is the most productive thing you can do but I suppose that does involve taking to people yes.

    • @404CameranotFound@lemmy.fmhy.ml
      1711 months ago

      It’s not the system it’s the corporations. The government telling coke and Pepsi to stop using plastic would do more for climate change and the environment in a month than if everyone recycled all plastics forever

      • @Flygone@lemmy.ml
        1211 months ago

        It’s many things coming together.

        It’s governments not regulating properly, capitalism demanding infinite growth, and consumers mindlessly consuming which creates demand.

        There’s lots of avenues for change, and we should follow all of them at the same time.

      • DessertStorms
        11 months ago

        Insert They’re_The_Same_Picture.jpg

        If you think government decisions are independent of corporations, you’ve not been paying attention ( US, UK, but pretty much every other state on the planet).

        They are both part of the same system designed to keep you working for their profit, and they both need getting rid of.

        • Johanno
          711 months ago

          Lets assume you use the “Power of the consumer” to only buy products that are environment friendly.

          Then you will soon notice that your power does not exist. If you don’t have alternatives then thr only option is not to buy. This might work for luxury but when you buy food and there is only heavily plastic wrapped food then you will buy that one.

          Also it will be hard to convince all other humans to consume more expensive alternatives.

          Especially if the environment friendly alternative is basically cheaper to produce.

          Of course you will need governmental regulations on this shit! The system won’t fix itself.

        • @bobs_monkey@lemm.ee
          511 months ago

          It’s not, let’s be real. It’s global apathy against a bunch of rich assholes that laugh at us when we say pretty much anything in the realm of truth, because muh profits. Short of either a worldwide organizational effort to radically change the course of the world that requires a universal shift in consciousness to ensure our survival and eventual prosperity, or burn it all down and try again yet be destined to repeat the same mistakes because we suck at history, we’re kinda fucked.

  • @RIPandTERROR@sh.itjust.works
    2011 months ago

    Frankly based on the numbers outright, the most useful thing you can do is murder a billionaire. If it becomes a trend or a meme to do so it’s the only thing I can see having any effect. Fear & public accountability is really the only skeleton that holds the body of voting power together. If government & corporations are’nt afraid of their people, then they’re not beholden to them.

      • @RIPandTERROR@sh.itjust.works
        711 months ago

        I only see direct harassment as efficient, or even functional, if it produces fear. Fear is the only thing that influences these people’s decisions over money and power. It’s really the basis of the people’s power. Fear that we’ll get too angry.

  • Emberwatch
    1611 months ago

    Shoutout to the homies at the Citizen’s Climate Lobby, where you can take like 5 minutes to fill in a mostly pre-written message to your reps and tell them to fucking act on climate legislation. Dunno if it’s cool to post links, but this just takes you to it with no hassle (also don’t trust strangers’ links on the internet; you can google “citizens climate lobby write congress” and get to the same destination):


    If you’re doing nothing else about climate change, at least do this. You’ve got five fucking minutes to spare to help sound the alarm bell if you’re browsing a comment section. Don’t be a doomer who doesn’t actually do anything, otherwise you’re just ruining your own day for no reason.

      • @PepperDust@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        You just want to continue dooming so that you can only cry and be angry at the world, because nothing can fill the void in your life other then anger and sadness.

        • @BartsBigBugBagOP
          211 months ago

          Nah, I just get tired of idiots like that fellow putting out blatant misinformation and slanted coverage. Dude is harming society with his content if even one person believes that drivel.

          Fun fact, I don’t have a “void In my life”, I have young family that are growing up in this world, and they’ve got idiots like you trying to ensure they don’t have a livable climate when they grow up. That’s where my anger comes from, and why I will never sit down and shut up. Idgaf if you personally have a livable climate. From your posts here, neither do you. I do care about children suffering because people like you refuse to take this thing seriously and believe in techno-capitalist hopium.

          The IPCC report is actually outdated and conservative in its estimates. It definitively asserts that even were all currently committed to climate goals met, which they aren’t, billions of people will suffer.

    • BaroqueInMind
      11 months ago

      The Chinese and US militaries are amongst the largest polluters on the planet by a significant order of magnitude due to their fuel demands, and yet you want me to drink from a paper straw like I’m going to make a fucking difference.

    • DessertStorms
      811 months ago

      I think that has a lot to do with most climate related talking points being about personal responsibility and how “every little helps” while ignoring the pollution spewing monsters that are militaries and corporation chugging along in the background (and this is, of course, by design - get the people pointing fingers at each other while those at the top continue to exploit us all and destroy the planet).

      So it doesn’t only feel futile, it is futile to try and change individuals, when those actually responsible do nothing to change their ways lest they bring in 1 billion in profit instead of 5. No amount of recycling, taking a bus, going vegan, or even going completely zero waste is going to actually change anything (nothing wrong with those things, still do them if you like, I do some myself, but be realistic about the impact. For truly impactful change, the whole thing need abolishing, there is no reforming a system that is working exactly as intended.).

      • @Nerorero@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        311 months ago

        Step 1: make it a personal responsibility

        Step 2: when people suggest taking personal responsibility, yell : “muh freedom!” And: “are you a commie???” To not take that responsibility.

        • DessertStorms
          211 months ago

          Pretty much. They just do whatever it takes to stop us from looking behind the curtain.

      • Oh shit thank you for reminding me. This idea that it’s our individual responsibility to prevent climate change rather than our largest producers/manufactures was a goddamn marketing ploy in the 1920s. It was spear headed by disposable companies like Dixie as people were getting more upset about littering, the public thought companies making one use items was incredibly wasteful and the reason for an abundance of litter in city areas. With the companies PR efforts, they were able to convince the general public that it’s not the producers of the litter that cause the problem, but the people who use it. We had a chance to kill the disposable industry and we missed it, I hope it comes back around some day.

        • DessertStorms
          211 months ago

          Yup, and they’ve been doing it ever since, like how carbon footprint is a con made up by BP to shift responsibility to consumers (and they get people to pay extra for this shit, they’re making more money off it), same with recycling, which mostly doesn’t even get recycled. The whole thing is smoke and mirrors to keep us at pointing our finger and anger at the people actually responsible.

  • @kakes@sh.itjust.works
    811 months ago

    Everything is temporary. Let’s just enjoy our lives while we’re here.

    I don’t mean this as an excuse to make the situation worse, but I would rather live thinking positively than waste my time and effort stressing and being depressed. A person that stressed out can’t effectively help solve the problem anyway, so why not be happy in the present while also building solutions for the future.

    • @BartsBigBugBagOP
      11 months ago

      We’ve past the point where we have the space to look for solutions in the future. We need solutions NOW. Every single day that people spend not thinking about how fucked we are is another in which we become even more fucked. Anger is a tool, use it. Get everyone you know angry. When angry people come together, they’re far more powerful than any group of people pushing for civility politics. Anger is not a bad emotion. No emotions are bad. Seeking to feel happiness all the time is seeking to stick your head in the sand.

      Your comment reminds me of MLKs white moderate bit, in that it seems you prefer the absence of tension to the positive peace of Justice.

      • @kakes@sh.itjust.works
        711 months ago

        I totally get the frustration with people like me, but I’m afraid we’ll have to agree to disagree. Over the years I’ve learned my capacity for anger, and I choose to try to be happy instead.

        Keep fighting the good fight, though. I have no doubt the world will come around to your point of view given time.