It’s definitely Amaura. Though for some reason there’s extra diamonds. And the pedant in me wants to let you know it’s Gastly, not Ghastly, and Electabuzz, not Electrobuzz. The color seems to be weirdly off on a lot of them (green feet on Munchlax??)
Half-transparent pale-yellow paint on a blue item. It might have been the somewhat correct color if it was painted on a white surface, but the background color shines through.
You know your pokemon better than me haha.
I’ve noticed the colors and some of the details are a little weird. It was real cheap, i was quite worried that the pokemon would be made up. I’ve told the kids that they are shiny’s which is why they’re a little different.
This is all of them so far. From left to right they are.
Koffing, Aurorus, Ghastly, Electrobuzz, ???, Munchlax
Number 5 may be Amaura but with bad colors
It’s definitely Amaura. Though for some reason there’s extra diamonds. And the pedant in me wants to let you know it’s Gastly, not Ghastly, and Electabuzz, not Electrobuzz. The color seems to be weirdly off on a lot of them (green feet on Munchlax??)
Half-transparent pale-yellow paint on a blue item. It might have been the somewhat correct color if it was painted on a white surface, but the background color shines through.
You know your pokemon better than me haha. I’ve noticed the colors and some of the details are a little weird. It was real cheap, i was quite worried that the pokemon would be made up. I’ve told the kids that they are shiny’s which is why they’re a little different.
Koffing and munchlax definitely pass as shiny: