When you allow far right attitudes to grow … they are like weeds that start appearing everywhere.

My general rule of thumb is … if one’s ideals and beliefs start affecting the lives of others … then their beliefs are not about them, they believe in wanting to control the lives of others.

  • PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca
    2 years ago

    Ya this is the goal. People only remember snippets of headlines so if you can pump out a lot of them with your agenda, that’s all anyone will believe regardless of it’s truth. I’m sorry you had to deal with someone who found a headline they really liked and tethered themselves to it.

    I’ve had this issue with my whole immediate family with the exception of my grandmother. They genuinely live in a completely separate world where left wingers are predatory and steal kids and force them to get transition surgery (?!?!?!). Some peoples lives depend on holding up this illusion.