Also, if i remember correctly, we wrote two people up specifically outlining that one of them was homosexual, and the other was non-white.
It’s always hilarious seeing lifestylist “leftists” champion him, seeing as he was a racist, homophobe, snitch, and liberal.
“what you like Stalin?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! but he criminalized homosexuality!” yeah well, you dognose for Orwell, who personally sold out a homosexual to his liberal state so like, ya know.
“noo he’s a leftist tho! It was just the times to be homophobic, anti-semitic, anti-communist, and anti-black during WW2!”
The snitching out Paul Robeson is unforgivable IMO.
Here’s Robeson’s speech to the House of unamerican activities committee, which people like Orwell put him in front of.
wasn’t antisemitism illegal in the ussr? he would have been thrown in a gulag anyway lol
Every time people start sucking Orwell off for Homage to Catalonia I bring this up and they go “bUt tHe InTeRnAtIoNaL BrIgAdEs bEtRaYeD tHe POUM!!!1111!!!” Fuck Orwell.
Orwell was part of an unimportant unit in the war too, they never took part in any major actions, and Orwell himself never fired a shot.
Here’s a thread on him btw:
What’s so bad about George Orwell?
- He’s antisemitic, homophobic, and racist. Specifically, he snitched out Jews, Black people, Homosexuals, and communists to British Intelligence. His list includes him writing:
- 8 variations of “Jewish?” (Charlie Chaplin), “Polish Jew, (Tom Driberg)” “English Jew,” or “Jewess.”
- Paul Robeson - “ROBESON, Paul (US Negro) …Very anti-white. [Henry] Wallace supporter.”
- Paul Robeson wasn’t anti-white, just look at the welsh coal miners for whom Robeson Campaigned.
- The testimony of Paul Robeson (one of the people Orwell snitched on), to HUAC (House of Unamerican activities committee) during the red scare.
- Stephen Spender - “Sentimental sympathiser… Tendency towards homosexuality”
- Hugh MacDiarmid, Scottish nationalist poet, and anti-imperialist.
- George Padmore, Trinidadian journalist and anti-imperialist campaigner.
- His books Animal Farm and 1984 are used widely as anti-communist propaganda in schools in the US and UK. So much so that his animated animal farm film was funded by the CIA. There’s a reason they teach George Orwell in schools and not Franz Fanon, Che, Huey P Newton, Malcolm X, Lenin, CLR James, etc.
- Orwell, anti-communist: A criticism of Orwell and his Work - By Isaac Asimov.
- Rainer Shea - Orwells 1984 - Anti-communist propaganda.
- Orwell worked as a British imperial cop in Burma for 5 years. His short story, Shooting an Elephant, uses ethnic slurs and denigrates burmese people.
- A reddit thread on George Orwell, Thread #2.
- He’s antisemitic, homophobic, and racist. Specifically, he snitched out Jews, Black people, Homosexuals, and communists to British Intelligence. His list includes him writing: