• Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    if the developers are pro-genocide, it’s unlikely they will develop anti-genocide features into their product.

    …what the fuck?

    • WhatWouldKarlDo@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I had a similar moment that convinced me to be openly red. I can’t believe that they think decrying us for human rights violations is a good idea. It’s a tactic that a child could see through.

      I mean, even if all the FUD about communist countries were true, it still pales in comparison to the shit that the US actually did. It makes absolutely zero sense for them to complain about our support of human rights violations while giving American “patriots” a free pass.

      It’s just angering.

    • IntoDaLagoon@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      My early childhood was spent listening to all the “reasonable, smart grownups” turn into wretched war hogs who would snarl that we need to glass the entire middle east, and now nobody talks about the genocidal invasions we carried out after that, everybody pretends they didnt cheer it on. And now that its politically convenient, now that one lone Christian fundamentalist psycho can make shit up and have the entire state apparatus repeat it, now they’re pretending to care about muslim people, because it gives them a reason to snarl that we should glass China. These bloodthirsty freaks have no real values other than the voyueristic thrill of watching our war machine grind people to paste on their screens. Ask them what their “solution” would be for this “problem” and watch the Hitler particles start to glow as they suggest a coup, an invasion, bombings. Yet they’re the ones who think they have any footing to lecture communists about humane treatment. As far as I know they’re still forcibly sterilizing women in our many ICE concentration camps.

  • darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    The ebil Tankies: No that alleged genocide is (atrocity) propaganda by the US, it all leads back to shoddy research by suspicious people with connections to incredibly biased western state propaganda organs and the hawkish defense industry which has lied us into multiple expensive, devastating wars. Genocide is wrong and bad and we are against all forms of oppression and for solidarity with marginalized communities, we must not allow groups to be scapegoated and must defend minorities from violence of the oppressive west both in its imperialist exports of war, violence and destabilization as well as interior violence such as biased policing. We are for a world where historical injustices are righted, exploited people are given a seat at the table and redress is paid.

    Actual fascists: No that alleged genocide/the-holocaust didn’t happen, isn’t real but uh it would be based and cool if it did and we should totally hope it happens and uh if hope isn’t enough we should try and plot some way to get it to happen. Also some groups are subhuman and should be killed off or segregated from the rest of us and by the way west is best and white men did nothing wrong.

    Enlightened liberals: Oh shit these are exactly, literally the same thing. The first group would definitely allow the exact same kind of content on their platforms as the second and therefore we should freak out.

    Just absolutely lacking in the will-power to use their brains these liberals are. They are abetting fascists by equating us to the fascists, watering down what fascism is and confusing the issue.