The spam bots in the GE and other hubs in every world are out of control. I had chat filters runelite plugin settings and other spam filter plugins that used to remove those most of the time, but as of late they’re using accented characters (like à, è, ö, etc.) to bypass them.

Not a great solution to keep changing my public chat settings when I switch maps or activities. Also not feasible for me to stay in total level worlds for every content, as they’re laggy sometimes or need to hop worlds.

I’m mostly in worlds/groups where people talk in English, but I never see Spanish or Dutch players take the time to type out accents when they type out words that have accents.

I don’t really have a good perspective of other players who communicate in other languages in this game, but if no one actually takes the time to type them out in chat, is there a reason not to restrict chat them in chat?

Or what are some other ideas to get rid of chat spam/bots like this?

    2 years ago

    obviously the answer is to make an ironman then the only time you’re stepping foot in the GE is on your way to the tree to tele


    There was another post here, not sure if you saw it or not, about reducing bot spam