The unconfirmed allegation is raising concerns that the coffee chain is the latest corporation to cave to far-right attacks on LGBTQ people.

    2 years ago

    According to a Gallup poll 71% of Americans support same sex marriage but don’t let facts get in the way of your bigotry.

      2 years ago

      The majority of that 71% thought “homosexuality is a disgusting sin, but A) it’s not the government’s job to enforce that, and B) I’m terrified of appearing homophobic in front of this survey-taker, because the tyrannical Left is likely to cancel me, and I can’t afford to lose my job.”

      But saying “Sure, just let the figs get married so we can finally be done with this discussion forever” is extremely different from saying “I love rejecting God’s will! I love pretending I’m not who God made me!” I love pretending God makes mistakes! I love rejecting God’s holy word! I love succumbing to Satan’s temptation, and engaging in repulsive acts that would make any normal Christian want to vomit! And what’s more, I have pride in my evil rejection of God, because I’m basically a minion of Satan and wouldn’t have it any other way! So yes, I want ‘pride decorations’ shoved down my throat everywhere I go, because it reminds me I’m in the presence of pure evil!" Yeah, 71% do not think that way. It’s a tiny contingent of perhaps 0.01% who happen to be young, naive, nihilist, depressed, and plagued by demons.