Please explain how you aren’t responsible for the emissions used to manufacture/deliver the product that you personally purchased.
Did someone force you to buy it? No? Then it’s your fault.
The more products you consume, the more emissions for those products. If you don’t like it, then don’t buy it. Source from responsible retailers, or at least don’t buy from fucking Amazon. Everything about the system we live in exists because people like you throw money at billionaires and then complain that they’re rich.
“I’m not responsible for being a consumer whore” is the exact lack of personal responsibility that makes anything else you say a joke.
Please explain how you aren’t responsible for the emissions used to manufacture/deliver the product that you personally purchased.
if i don’t buy it, will the producer have already done all the pollution? if i don’t buy it, will any fewer trucks run? no. but if the producer doesn’t make it, the pollution doesn’t happen. the fault lies entirely with the producers.
If people don’t buy a product, then there’s no demand.
If there’s no demand, a product doesn’t get created.
Do you think people are out here making shit for fun until someone comes along and purchases it? That producers produce in a vacuum without any kind of reason as to why? They make it cause you’ll buy it. Therefore the consumers create the demand that leads to the product being produced in the first place.
It’s insane that you can fundamentally misunderstand basic economics this much, to think the consumers don’t have any effect on what is created.
If there’s no demand, a product doesn’t get created.
that’s just not true. people make things without a proven market all the time. in fact, all consumer goods are made before they are proven to be able to be sold.
Please explain how you aren’t responsible for the emissions used to manufacture/deliver the product that you personally purchased.
Did someone force you to buy it? No? Then it’s your fault.
The more products you consume, the more emissions for those products. If you don’t like it, then don’t buy it. Source from responsible retailers, or at least don’t buy from fucking Amazon. Everything about the system we live in exists because people like you throw money at billionaires and then complain that they’re rich.
“I’m not responsible for being a consumer whore” is the exact lack of personal responsibility that makes anything else you say a joke.
if i don’t buy it, will the producer have already done all the pollution? if i don’t buy it, will any fewer trucks run? no. but if the producer doesn’t make it, the pollution doesn’t happen. the fault lies entirely with the producers.
If people don’t buy a product, then there’s no demand.
If there’s no demand, a product doesn’t get created.
Do you think people are out here making shit for fun until someone comes along and purchases it? That producers produce in a vacuum without any kind of reason as to why? They make it cause you’ll buy it. Therefore the consumers create the demand that leads to the product being produced in the first place.
It’s insane that you can fundamentally misunderstand basic economics this much, to think the consumers don’t have any effect on what is created.
that’s just not true. people make things without a proven market all the time. in fact, all consumer goods are made before they are proven to be able to be sold.
Christ, the number of people who don’t understand basic economics…
this is handwaving, not a rebuttal.
I think you replied to the wrong comment.
This guy either has no sense of personal responsibility or he doesn’t understand supply and demand for shit.
“supply and demand” isn’t a magic phrase that makes me responsible for what other people do.
i didn’t say that.