Nothing is making the itching stop. The worst part is that the left side of my leg has nerve damage and is slightly numb from where a screw was put in, and the sensation extends to my knee. The feeling is very strange. Thankfully it’s only the left side of my leg. The right side, that had the more extensive hardware put in, (2 tightrope devices) is totally fine in regards to nerves.
I can’t wait until I’m fully recovered. This whole ordeal is the worst.
You could try a trick I use for mosquito bites and poison ivy.
Run some hot water. Just right on the edge of too hot to touch. Put the itchy part under that running water.
It will feel like the most intense itch, but also relief at the same time (assuming it works). It only takes maybe 5 seconds to work. Afterwards, the itch stops for a couple hours.
This works so well. I use it when I get neuroma twinges or insect bites.
Definitely saved my sleep/sanity a few times.
I think this works for insect bites because it denatures the proteins that makes it itch.
This works for mosquito bites because the heat denatures the proteins in the mosquito saliva in the bite that causes the itching. Not sure it will have the same long term effect on a healing wound.
Glad I’m not the only one who does this.
But this sounds like tattoo healing itch, which is the worst part but yeah not much to do but smack it.
It feels exactly like a tattoo itch. I can’t even smack the area because the flesh in my ankle and my bones are still healing :(
RIP that sounds like the worst. Good luck
Thank you.
Just think of it as full-sensory tinnitus :)
So… it never goes away?
That’s a cheerful thought
Slather it in vitamin E oil, or aloe vera gel a few times a day. Should help.
This is the only thing that stopped my scars itching after surgery. Cut open a vitamin e pill and rub it into the area. You can put something over it to keep it on there.
You can buy vitamin e oil in squirt bottle now.
I just had my upper and lower jaw cut all the way through and re-set with plates and screws. Some of the feelings under the skin are damn impossible to describe honestly.
But anyways, yeah. I’m at the itchy stage.
I had horrible skin problems after getting pneumonia.
Short term solution: Gold Bond makes a liquid with 2% lidocaine. It helped me get through some spikes in itchiness.
Good luck!
I’m very allergic to lidocaine
ahhh that was the worst part of my top surgery recovery. no pain but the itching was awful. it’s amazing when it stops though, kinda like when you can finally breathe through your nose after a cold
I’ve had absolutely terrible pain with this recovery, but that’s probably because I had holes drilled iny bones lol. The pain is easing up now, thankfully
Warmth sometimes helps. You can test that very quickly by holding a cup of tea or coffee you made anyway to the itchy places for a few seconds. You should feel the relief almost immediately if it works for you. If so, you can use warm, wet towels to keep the itching somewhat at bay
Idk why, but I totally thought heat would make itching worse. I’m gonna have to try that!
Nothing is worse than an itch you can’t scratch
The pain from my bones breaking is a SUPER close second to an unscratchable itch.
Damn – sorry!.
I ended up with a dermatologist who prescribed a steroid cream called triamcinoclone. But that was for diagnosed ectopic dermatitis.
I must say though, that diagnosis kind of covers anything that itches.
One advice I give to my patients is to put warm coconut oil on it and rub it lightly.
Been there. Done that. It’s hell. Hang in there!
pull of your skin ffs
No thank you lmao. My skin felt like it was tearing off for like a week after I broke my ankle/leg. It was so swollen that my skin was blistering. It took a week for it to get to the point where the surgeon could perform the operation safely. It was absolutely disgusting lol.
What do the doctors say about that itching? Is it the normal amount, or is it the symptom of some problems on that part of the wounds?
An ice pack helped me in this situation in the past. Numbs it right up and stops the itching.
The last time I used ice, it made my leg muscles tighten up and it hurt so fucking bad. I’m hesitant to use ice when my leg isn’t swollen because of the pain it caused last time.