Hey, in an attempt to foster more discussion and to try and get this community growing, I am writing a discussion post to get ideas out. (While these conversations have happened elsewhere, we haven’t had them on Lemmy yet!)
As such what is your favorite DnD class? If possible, share any reasons why, and cool stories that help highlight your point.
Also as an added bonus I personally would love to hear about your favorite homebrew class. So if you got one feel free to share as well.
Warlock. The built in flavor is amazing and allows easy roleplay options and background story tie ins even for new players and new GMs.
Also I enjoy Charisma based classes since it opens up social skills and I enjoy being the face role for the group.
Lastly the invocations allow for fun customization options. And some spell casting without being reliant on long rest is also cool.
Bard without stereotypes. Because I love the roleplaying aspect of the game. And I can pretty much help my friends easily
Cleric. I love being able to keep a party alive, and still helpimn direct combat.
I’ve been my friend’s group DM for most of my D&D career; so I don’t get to play characters too often. When I do I usually gravitate to Cleric. In 3.5 I liked doing clerics that raised zombies! Cleric is definitely my favorite!
Mostly been trying different Cleric subclasses. Grave life etc.
So far grave has been my go to, but I’ve been itching to try war cleric soon…
My favorite is playing a shadow monk. It’s so much fun in darkened combat to run up, get like 50 hits in, then just shadow step out of range and let your tank soak damage. Druid is alright, but I feel it’s better when I really want to RP my PC rather than min-max.
Mine personally is rogue. While a druid might be able to stealth better, or a fighter do more consistent damage or a wizard solve most problems with magic there’s something about rogues to me that I love.
I really try not to play the cliché rogue that acts as a loner or steals from the party. I’m personally more interested in a rogue that isn’t a criminal but rather someone who uses roguish fighting tactics.
I like trying to find opportunities for sneak attack and I like being really good at what I’m good at.
My first 5e character was an Arcane Trickster Rogue so I really enjoyed dabbling with magic and the flavor is awesome. Later on, I made a Phantom Rogue and while I didn’t get too far with her or use many of her features she was also pretty awesome.
Currently playing a Druid and Wizard in two games which I love, but I’m hoping for at least one more long term campaign that I get to play rogue before I am “done” with 5e.
I’ll be honest, I LOVE DnD and anything fantasy, but…I have never played, not even once. I’ve read through the phb, DMG, and mm hundreds of times, I have (less than legally) acquired TONS (troves) of books. But I have yet to play a single campaign.
That being said, I love the power fantasy of paladin, specifically an Aasimar, Oathbreaker Paladin who tragically broke said oath and is on a quest seeking redemption in the eyes of his deity.
I completely understand. It requires having friends that are into the game and willing to learn and then it requires to commitment to show up every week (or whatever timeline you set) and play. I would encourage you to play online (I would of recommended /r/lfg on Reddit to find a group but I assume we’re here for a reason [If anything you can get on reddit just to find a group and dip]), either finding a group online or convincing friends you already have to play.
If not, there’s usually enough buzz of DnD in the our modern day society that most younger people have probably heard about it and are curious. Realistically, everything you need to play is online and free. The Basic Rules are free and it is not hard to find the other books you want online for free (Not sure what Lemmy’s rules are about piracy but if you want to talk send me a message).
At the end of the day, it’s more about telling a story than anything else and a lot of people can get behind that. Now if you are simply too busy I understand, but I highly recommend everyone to try it.
Also I love your character idea. It is honestly so simple but it has so much potential and honestly kind of bad-ass.
i like having a bajillion spells and rituals
I’ve played maybe a dozen characters, but the one I always want to go back to is my DND4 runepriest. I’m not sure why, I don’t think DND4 is particularly good, but that class just felt so fun for me
I don’t know how you or your table feels about third party stuff but Indestructoboy has a a Runekeeper for 5e that is heavily influenced by the 4e one (I’ve never played 4e so I can’t verify this myself.) It looks very awesome and you might like it. It is not free but you can download a preview of the whole thing for free from the dmsguild site (so basically free).
That looks awesome for sure! We were thinking about starting a fresh 5e campaign so I’m gonna look into this some more and maybe make one, thanks for posting this
Anything magic. I’m the same with video games! It just appeals to me! I love how randomly powerful it can be, but also safe in that you can stand back from the fight a little
While it used to be arcane trickster rogue, I recently played a Paladin and was amazed by the power of smite.
I’m a sucker for gish characters, but also kind of bored with the 5e options. I tend to blend a martial and a caster. Right now I’m running shadow monk and blade singer, loving it so far.
Dwarf cleric, because I’m a tallish Atheist. Also you get to smite people.
I’ve always loved Rangers. Mechanically they have good skills, some spells, and they can be built into great range or melee fighters depending on how the story goes. Stylistically, a woodsy loner is just fun to play. It was great to see 5e altered some of their awful class features to make them playable again.
I love playing a bard - it allows me to excel in social and stealth situations, gives a lot of utility magic and their overall versatility is really appealing.
I also like multiclassing bard with warlock to get a little combat oomph with eldritch blast and invocations!