Really wish that the compact mode was more compact too:

  • Don’t need to see “via [my instance]” on every post
  • Community instance doesn’t need to be as prominent as other info
  • User’s instance is rarely information I care about when scrolling through posts
    2 years ago

    Agree with both sides of the discussion here. It’s useful information that I’d prefer to keep visible. And also, the compact UI for Liftoff is nowhere near compact enough. The amount of post information I can fit on screen (accounting for the fact Liftoff displays more information per post than RiF) has to be still only around half compared to RiF. This actually has a somewhat profound impact on the way I interpret post information while scrolling and it’s the main thing that’s prevented me from settling into using Liftoff longterm. But I think my issue is due to the vast amount of blank spacing in the design, rather than the inclusion of the longer community/instance info