I like todo lists, and I like time blocking so I can schedule out specific hours to work on each task. However I have yet to find an app that combines these cleanly.
Features I am looking for:
- Todo list that allows nested lists, and adding details to each item (due date, more detailed instructions, etc.)
- Seamless integration with a calendar, so I can assign a given todo item to a date and time
- Adjustable time durations. Not every task is exactly 1 hour.
- Accessible and syncable across PC and Android,
- Freeee…?
Nice to have:
- Sync with Google Calendar/Tasks
- Color-coding tasks
How can you control duration of calendar entries?
When creating a task, you can choose a Start, End Date and a Timer.
You also have to select the Calendar where you want Tasks.org to save your task.
In Nextcloud is the same while creating tasks, but it’ll create a Calendar for every list of tasks (e.g Personal tasks, College tasks, etc)
Ah, that explains it. I removed the “Start time” field for tasks because I never used it, and then forgot about it.
When combined with Davx5 it will sync to a server. Integrates with calendars as you desire, I think (my workflow doesn’t include the time blocking but the tasks show up on a calendar and you can specify their duration but I’m not certain about the time blocking).