Except gnembon. Apparently he’s been cranking out redstone improvements we’ve been waiting decades for! Autocrafter is truly amazing, and the bulb is no slouch either.
Getting the tick command from carpet into the base game is a big improvement, too.
Now he just needs to push for moveable tile entities…
i still can’t believe the sniffer only has 2 plants. i love the concept of the sniffer so much and the existing plants look nice, but really mojang? two plants? and they’re both flowers?? what happened to that leaked one that went on walls???
i should probably also mention that chiseled bookshelves are considered containers and can’t be pushed by pistons, so that door from the trailer is only remotely possible in bedrock edition.
That leaked ivy(?) looked so cool! I wasn’t expecting much with the plants and honestly only wanted the sniffer because it’s adorable, but it was pretty disappointing to only get the torch flower and the pitcher plant(? I don’t even remember lmao)