There is a secret coven of people who sort by new and make or break every lemmy post
New is the best way to see content on a small instance anyways
Top Six Hour is the only way to roll. Unless you use something else which is also fine
Gotta read new on all because there’s not enough content
I sort by active because the slower flow of content helps me avoid a social media addiction. I just check the few posts that hit the top of my feed every day, then exit Lemmy for the day.
Look at this bastard with their self control and healthy social media habits! Let’s burn them!
Can confirm, this is me.
Top is only nice when you first join a community. If you actually want to engage you should be on one of the others
And here I thought hot was just the norm
I always sort by new 🤷.
deleted by creator
Laughs in top hour
I am always on hot. It’s the best middle ground for me.
I only sort by top because I’m a bottom.