From what I can gather this conflict as been going on a long time and the Hamas group has existed for a while too. Why are all the news cycles suddenly focusing on this the past few weeks?
From what I can gather this conflict as been going on a long time and the Hamas group has existed for a while too. Why are all the news cycles suddenly focusing on this the past few weeks?
The right side, and the wrong side,. Plus you can interview people who argue about right versus wrong. It’s a lot of content that can be farmed
In your opinion, Which sides are which sides? I don’t need an essay, just a definition :)
Not the guy you asked, just a random on the internet so take this with a grain of salt.
The Israeli’s actually stated goal is genocide. They don’t want to relocate the Palestinians, they want to eradicate them. To that end they’ve committed so many war crimes against those folks.
In retaliation, when they have no choice but fight against impossible odds or lay down and die, the Palestinians choose to fight, as would be or you or anyone else. The thing is, they are just as bad about the whole disgusting war crime thing. Granted they are the ones imprisoned and faced with no choice but death, so in my mind it’s more excusable than what the Israelis are doing, but it’s still super fucked up stuff that people should look at and go wow what the FUCK is wrong with you….
So whose really the bad guy? Great fucking Britain! They made deals ages ago to grant the same land to both the Israelis and Palestinians and then fucked off before shit hit the fan saying cheerio from their ships. Truly the British started this shit and then just bounced. They should be the ones to fix it. I would say they should make all Palestinians full British citizens with all the relevant benefits and make them a little Palestine in Britain somewhere - shit, do it in Leeds - nobody will miss it and to them it’ll be paradise in comparison to the Gaza Strip.
Hamas is not innocent in this. They’ve both been fighting for a long time. And yeah GB is a fucker for stirring that pot.
But it’s 2023, god is fake, the holy war is pointless, and there is no such thing as a holy land. Everyone needs to wake up and stop fighting. There’s not a reason to fight that makes any sense. Obviously, Israel—the government—needs to stfu about genocide. Those people need to be fired.
But……. Hamas is totally in bed with Russia. Is that because they’ll take whatever help they can get at this point? Probably. I mean, you can’t buy guns at the gas station. (You can in Texas, but that’s another thing haha).
Something something thou shall not kill.
Oh god please don’t take my statement as saying Hamas is innocent, they are monsters as well! It’s disgusting genocidal madness on both sides of this conflict. My point was only to highlight that despite both sides in this conflict being evil incarnate, the true evil behind the conflict on a global level is good old British colonialism. I did not not mean to attempt to justify any of the disgusting incidents by Hamas or Israel.
Even the Palestinians. People want to distinguish them from Hamas because most are innocent civilians in desperate conditions, but they supported Hamas. They are all for violence, murder , terrorism. They applauded when Hamas killed innocent civilians and took hostages. Yes, they are suffering the most but they also are part of the problem
From a media perspective it doesn’t matter. Also there’s more than two sides.
Which was the point I was getting to with the original commenter. But thanks for… ya know… jumping in.
Having “clear sides” doesn’t mean there’s a clear “right side” and “wrong side”, imo.
The sides aren’t very clear when you start looking closer. And they’re both the wrong side of you think about it. The best side is the “wow that’s a shit show I’m glad I’m not involved with” side.
I feel the same way when I see a game of American football, but I can still see that there are two sides.
I don’t need to take a side to see that there are two distinct sides. Even if I disagree with aspects of both sides.
American football is a game. It has two teams. There aren’t civilians on the field getting smashed to death because two groups want to fight over a dumb ball. The ball is Jerusalem. The fact that you reduced this down to a football game says a lot about your understanding of the situation.