sure, but hundred of thousands of islamic terroirsts and their supporters are marching to let more arab muslims rape, behead, burn and slaughter Jews at will, just cause they wanna, don’t you understand, people, mostly, suck shit, and though your fight is just, and it will in fact cost the free world far less to give ukraine trillions in it’s defense against russia if need be, it’s 50/50 and pick em whether or not the feckless western leaders can keep their shit together long enough to see your, and the israelis, fights, won
sure, but hundred of thousands of islamic terroirsts and their supporters are marching to let more arab muslims rape, behead, burn and slaughter Jews at will, just cause they wanna, don’t you understand, people, mostly, suck shit, and though your fight is just, and it will in fact cost the free world far less to give ukraine trillions in it’s defense against russia if need be, it’s 50/50 and pick em whether or not the feckless western leaders can keep their shit together long enough to see your, and the israelis, fights, won