So I have intermittently played factorio. Scraped through a vanilla playthrough a while back and just did a more serious playthrough recently. I would like to move into using more mods, getting better at using trains and such. Are there any recommended mods for where I’m at to be able to keep moving forward without jumping to far into the deep end of complexity too fast and losing interest?

    1 year ago

    I’ll make a list of some good ones to start with.

    Hand Craft Priority This let’s you move thing around in the hand crafting que.

    More Minimap Autohide Hide the minimap if it’s preventing entity data from being shown. Very useful.

    Ammo Group Barreling Group Schall Circuit Group Schall Transport Group These four just move various items into their own crafting category so they don’t clutter up the the menu. This is very important if you have many mods that add items.

    Double Speed Belts Makes it so tier 3 belts move at exactly twice the speed of tier 2 belts, and tier 1 at half the speed of tier 2. This let’s you use splitters easier.

    Realistic Heat Glow Science Pack Glow Black Rubber Belts These three just make things look nicer.

    Clockwork Enhances the day/night cycle. Very customizable.

    Inventory Repair Auto repairs items that are in your inventory using repair packs.

    Inserted Fuel Leech Makes fuel inserters actually useful

    Enhanced Map Colors Visual improvement. Makes the map easier to read.

    Fluid Must Flow Flow Control These two make handling fluids much nicer and simpler.

    Informatron Let’s mods include ingame tutorials on how to use them. Sometimes, it’s almost impossible to understand what’s going on without it.

    Squeak Through Makes it so you can navigate your base easier.

    Extended Descriptions Adds important details to item descriptions that you would otherwise have to look up online to find.

    1 year ago

    Krastorio 2 is the recommended overhaul mod after a vanilla playthrough. It makes the game somewhat harder than vanilla, although I don’t really know what it contains as I never played through it.

    Industrial Revolution 3 is another good choice.

    Or you can jump off the deep end like me and start a Angels+Bobs map, but this is quite difficult dealing with many byproducts and thousands of recipies. Also, you don’t need many trains to beat it, I beat the modpack with 3 train lines, but if you want to scale up trains would be useful.

    • Iron
      1 year ago

      Angels+Bobs really is jumping in the deep end. And IR3 has a very different early game.

      Krastorio2 is mostly the same but more of it.