Bold of you to assume that humanity will even exist at that point. In fact, it’d be pretty bold to assume we’ll exist in 2757; forget those last two digits.
Javascript will subsume all other languages by then. Humanity won’t even know that others existed, or even what it is. It’ll just be called Script, the way you tell computers what to do when the AI doesn’t understand your prompts correctly.
If we’re still using JavaScript in the year 275,760 we deserve the resulting epoch collapse
Bold of you to assume that humanity will even exist at that point. In fact, it’d be pretty bold to assume we’ll exist in 2757; forget those last two digits.
I’m not even sure we’ll be existing in 2057 at this rate
Or even make it till 20:57
Javascript will subsume all other languages by then. Humanity won’t even know that others existed, or even what it is. It’ll just be called Script, the way you tell computers what to do when the AI doesn’t understand your prompts correctly.
Who knew The Cosmic AC would be running js.