Just use 24h like an adult, bro.
A decade and a half ago, I couldn’t even find a 24h alarm clock in Québec, Canada. I had to order one online. Even though I’d been using 24h time all my life. Thank you, anglophone neighbours.
I’m sorry is this some American joke I’m too European to understand?
Yes, they still use the imperial 12h system, not the metric 24h. Pathetic
we like to stay vigilant of the Sun’s position relative to our meridian
Ah yes, the sun is three washing machines off the football fields, time for some high fructose corn syrup 😋
Hey, don’t lump me in with those cretins, I’ve been using 24h for years.
Whenever a system puts in that format I just change it back to AM/PM, I just don’t like it, I like to have less numbers (bigger numbers) on my screens… Not that it confuses me or anything.
Ah yes, the 1120PM is so much smaller than the 2320 on the screen
That’s a bad example because you have to take off your socks to count that high in both cases.
Well, 23 is bigger than 11 isn’t it?
That is totally what I meant, it is just how I got used to using AM and PM.
Does Europe not use AM/PM?
Nope “military time” as you call it, all the way babbyyyy
Not military time. Just 24 hour clock
I don’t think I’ve ever seen any country other than the USA using the 12 hour system
The UK, as is often the case with these things, uses a horrible cursed halfway house system. I have every digital clock I own set to 24h time but know that I would get weird looks if I made plans with someone to meet at 18
Same in Finland for spoken and some written (chat) stuff, that’s where most of the time 12h is used, with just “let’s meet at six” (no am or pm but clarified if not obvious from context).
Took me the longest time to understand what y’all meant by half-six. 5:30? 6:30? Now I’m unsure again. It is half past six, correct?
It is in the UK! I fucked up a couple of times in Germany because it’s the other way round there
Some people use one 24h, other am/pm, but everything related to clocks always has the choice to use one or the other configurable. Most people use 24h format and most public info and tv shows and all that usually uses 24h. When I was a kid am/pm was used in more places, not sure why.
Basically everyone knows how to use both, it’s obvious and straightforward, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone ever not being able to know the time whichever foat was shown. Am/pm comes more often in informal talking when context of the conversation is obvious since it’s much easier to say snack at 3 than snack is at 15.
We just say 3 and expect you to understand that we aren’t meeting in the middle off the night for a snack, context matters.
I’ll never know what 12 AM and 12 PM are.
It’s used in spoken language, especially in combination with quarter past and stuff, but not in writing in not in the setting of digital watches
i have almost never seen anyone use quarter past/till around here
Germany is divided into “quarter past/till” and “quarter/three quarter” but each with the 12h system.
never been there
Where are you from? Europe is big
That’s cool, I didn’t know you guys did that. I use 24 hour time at work and it confuses half of folks and the other half appreciate it
Romania uses it along with the other system
We use a mix in the UK, I prefer to use 24h when written down though, and my alarm app doesn’t mention am/pm
It’s just a time system that can easily convert from one to the other. Not something to stake your superiority on.
I never claimed superiority. I only said that since Europeans are accustomed to 24h system, the joke becomes difficult to understand, because we don’t have this problem.
But if you perceive this as some sign of superiority, well…
This is where empathy becomes a good skill to have. I’m certain you can understand the basic setup of the joke even though the exact situation may not be likely in your culture.
The joke isn’t even about the time, it’s about their anxious thinking.
Android deploys a pop up message saying how many hours until the alarm goes off when you set the alarm. It has saved me from this more than a few times.
It also feels like it’s judging me when, “Alarm set for 2 hours and 46 minutes from now.”
Yes, that little message is so helpful to confirm the alarm is set for the right time. It’s saved me a few times for sure
/me laughts in 24h clock
After working in 24-7 transportation for over a decade, it’s honestly confusing when normal people schedule things for the afternoon. I always have to take a step back and ask myself if they really want to meet up at 0400. It’s just so much better to schedule using a 24-hour clock.
I wonder if I accidentally turned the alarm off when I was checking…
Checks alarm … alarm is fine
… Checks socials …
… Scrolls news feed …
… YouTube video …
… More news feeds …
… More socials …
… Scrolls memes…
… Scrolls more memes …
… Comments on memes …
… scrolls more memes …
… Checks socials again …
… Scrolls more memes …
How did you get my schedule?
I was only able to fetch data for the past hour
Man just yesterday i found out that even imperial time system is retarded: Not like they count from 0 to 11 or 1 to 12, no its: 11 pm, 12 AM!, 1 am, … 11 am, 12 PM!, 1 pm, … 11 pm
lol shut up brain
I’m in this photo and I don’t like it
Everything in my house uses 24 hour time.
Except for my Cuisinart coffee maker.
Wouldn’t mind too much but the programme is set to 12:00pm by default and the clock to 12:00am. Caught me out the first few times I set it.
Surely it’s more likely someone is going to want coffee automatically brewed in the morning rather than the afternoon/ evening and that they’re setting it up in the afternoon/evening rather than the early hours of the morning?
“The” alarm? You complete and utter fool!
Pros have like all the alarms, all of them , planned to the minute, accounting for vacations, time zones and holidays (local and international) for years beforehand.
You just have shown the complete ignorance in your daily dwelling by not handling your time piece with the military your settings.
May God have mercy on your soul