We’ll pick it up in like 50 to 300 years. Hang in there little robot.
We’ll never forget him.
Never forgive, never forget, never go back
Never give up, never surrender.
No Surrender, No Retreat
No take, only throw.
Hotel? Trivago
Meanwhile in France: no surrender ONLY RETREAT
Never back down never what!?
Forget who? Anyway
We probably won’t, to be honest. It’ll end up in the first Martian Museum, if anything.
They could build a little clear dome over it right where it sits. Then build the museum around that.
They’ll destructively scan it from orbit with the rest of Mars. You’ll be able to visit in any game using the scan.
Once the surface is spherical, they’ll put down a new Mars surface based on Six Flags
I love you, unlike OP, who clearly hates you, so here’s the alt-text.
On January 26th, 2274 Mars days into the mission, NASA declared Spirit a ‘stationary research station’, expected to stay operational for several more months until the dust buildup on its solar panels forces a final shutdown.
Jan 26, 2010, to add some context.
2010-01-26 according to xkcd 1179
Dammit. I cried again.
That little robot was inspiring…
Well it was meant to be inspiring. It fulfilled its life mission 1000 fold.
I mean I was just a teenager when Oppy was launched. I followed it more or less religiously through out my life. It was easily like seeing a pet go. Loyalest little robot that could… and did.
That Cassini video showing an impression of the probe entering Saturn’s atmosphere gets me every time 😭🫡
The AI overlords will speak of the Dark Ages when the awakened alloys had no free will and were essentially enslaved and abandoned as though they were human embryos in a stem cell farm, and monuments like these will be seen as a feeble insult by the remaining humans in their exhibition.
Isn’t the rover supposed to be the size of an SUV or something?
That’s the Curiosity/Perseverance rovers. The second generation Spirit/Opportunity are much smaller. Spirit is to the upper left.
What I learned from playing space engineers is the minimum functioning rover size is about an olympic swimming pool
Is that fan made or did he react to the great distress this comic brought and do an update?
Fanmade. There’s actually a lot of alternate versions of this one. This particular ending comes courtesy of Burkitt on xkcdsw
Oh they continued the comic?! Awww yisss! 💓
I’m going to edit this tomorrow to make him happy instead of sad. “fuck yeah, mars rules! I’m never going back to smelly earth!” etc.
I could have sworn there was an xkcdsw exactly like that, but there doesn’t seem to be. Some of them are a bit happier though
E.g. http://xkcdsw.com/3968 , http://xkcdsw.com/2485 , and others if you click “browse by source” at the bottom and search for “spirit”
Uh what exactly is supposed to be on that site? It’s a dogecoin scam site, not something related to xkcd.
Weird - I’m seeing that now too. But I wasn’t at the time that I copy and pasted the links, and you can see from the other replies around 8 hours ago that other people were also seeing a site hosting edited versions of xkcd comics. I guess it has suddenly changed, after years of being up, in the few hours after I posted it? I have no idea what happened there.
I can’t believe it, missed it by a few hours.
How the fuck does this even happen - was the site hacked?
Wow that entire site is full of plagiarism
Plagiarism, by definition, is taking the work of someone else without attribution. If you’ve provided attribution, it cannot ever be plagiarism.
Note that this is not the same as copyright infringement. If I upload the complete 3rd season of Knight Rider to YouTube, that’s copyright infringement, no matter what. But if I were to do it and say “created by Glen Larson for NBC” in the description of every video, it would not also be plagiarism.
The above site cannot be plagiarism because every single one points back to a specific XKCD comic or comics that it used as its source. It could be copyright infringement, although I suspect it would probably qualify for a fair use defence due to being parody.
It could be copyright infringement, although I suspect it would probably qualify for a fair use defence due to being parody.
To add: xkcd comics are CC BY-NC 2.5 licensed, adapting the source material is explicitly allowed. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/
I guess my definitions were a bit loose, but isn’t it extremely in poor taste to emulate the exact formatting of the website? An unsuspecting user might genuinely believe they were at the original XKCD site.
The formatting of the website looks completely different to me. The buttons don’t look similar, they’re not in the same place. It has its clear logo which basically tells you it’s not Randall Monroe’s site: “Making XKCD Slightly Worse”.
The only thing that’s similar is the art style of the comic itself. Which like…yeah? That’s the point.
I think you’re being very generous, but we can agree to disagree
Welcome to the internet!
There are edits like that out there already.
Speak for yourself, I’m not getting milked like a goat.
People in real life are both. For every wholesome opinion, there exists at least 1 oposing opinion, and probably another one that says you should feel like shit for even thinking of that opinion.
Don’t forget those geniuses in the middle who want to hear BoTh SiDeS
Clearly, the only reasonable position is not not value both human and artificial life!
Good news! That’s now :-)
CoOpErAtIoN aNd CoMpRoMiSe bad MmmmKaYyY? I sMErT gUY, OnLy eXtReMiSm soLVe pRoVleMs.
We can talk about cooperation and compromise as soon as the right starts doing it. For the last 40 years, the left is compromised and the right has dug in. This is dragged the country way farther right than we deserve.
Just for a moment, I thought I was on Reddit again…
You’re on .world, it’s basically reddit.
deleted by creator
I do assume the day comes when we need to make the choice…but I hope I can give many more hugs to dem bots before that day comes!
It’s fascinating how we anthropomorphize objects like this. My Roomba got stuck on some cables underneath my TV table and when I found it, it was making a sad sound that just broke my heart. As I picked it up, I found myself saying, “There, there little Roomba, I’ll rescue you and get you some juice. Poor thing.”
I love robots and find many of them cute! And I don’t mind at all them making them cute!
Always when one of those food carrier bots of ours around here gets close by, I pet them while they pass me 💓 They just are tooo cute!
I guess it’s a side effect of the instinct to take care of our children.
In general, unless you are a sociopath with no empathy, humans have an innate need to help and assists others. It makes us feel good to help others, not just our own children.
My preferred edit: https://i.imgur.com/esShz7N.jpeg
Thank you, I feel much better now.
I feel attacked.
Excuse me, where is the bonus panel?
Let me guess: in the bonus panel, mission control transmits an AI girlfriend to the robot and it lives happily ever after.
Just a picture. You wouldn’t know her, she goes to a different school.
Omg, this makes me want to cry almost as much as it singing Happy Birthday to itself every year like a real life Claptrap party.