I kind of want to get the communities feeling on leaving registrations open. Do you want them to stay open, or do you think it was better when they were approval only?

Marking this post as NSFW, so only logged-in accounts can see it.

  • RA2lover@burggit.moe
    2 years ago

    Haven’t seen a significant jump in user activity during that period despite the increase in accounts (from ~1.33 to ~1.8k over the open registration period), but can’t comment further without additional data points that wouldn’t be a good idea to make public (or even collect in some cases).

    The number of communities has increased noticeably (98?->116) and there’s been a slight increase in weekly active users (125->143) which doesn’t quite completely match the increase in account creations.

    I don’t know whether this is due to people who don’t share the values of the instance (enough to fail manual approval) signing up, then abandoning their accounts once they realize the consequences of those values, users signing up and actively using their accounts but not making posts/comments, some actor creating sleeper accounts to use for nefarious purposes at some point in the future, or something else.

    Overall this week has been positive but i can’t find enough evidence to argue it wouldn’t have been without open registrations, and i haven’t seen anything that warrants limiting registrations once again.

    • mcuglys@burggit.moe
      2 years ago

      As the content trends towards “mostly porn” I think you’re going to see the lurker ratio go up. Especially from people who worry that lolis might be legal trouble in their jurisdiction, or have simply been on reddit so much they assume whatever gets banned on reddit MUST be able to get them in trouble somehow (surprisingly common and disturbing opinion with regard to the younger generations views on free speech).

    • OrcishOatmeal@burggit.moe
      2 years ago

      I’ve been thinking about this, I believe one factor is the current app situation, I realised last night that the iOS apps I’m using to browse Lemmy can’t post at all!