It was and still is hard - or at least tedious - for me as a software developer to find out how to use the fediverse and lemmy. I can’t imagine how annoying it must be for a normal user. The one thing I really liked about reddit, is that you can find a well written guide for everything, often pinned at the top of a specific sub. Is there something like that anywhere?

    2 years ago

    I feel like people are overcomplicating this (& it doesn’t help that most early adopters are techies, who enjoy talking about things like federation protocols)

    One doesn’t need to understand the Fediverse in order to use it. That’s like trying to understand the mechanisms of internal combustion engine because I want to drive a car. I mean, that is fun and there are not-too-esoteric scenarios where the knowledge might even be helpful, but it sure as hell isn’t necessary!

    Migration was a breeze once I stopped worrying about the internal combustion engine.