wow I could have just smoked weed.
Weed smoke smells like BO and cat piss yet anon still smokes it. They should know exactly why people drink.
Have you ever smelled an alcoholic? I’ll gladly take the smell of weed over the smell of booze and piss.
Yes but generally you only smell that when you’re near that person. The smell of pot smoke will permeate an entire building. Also most functional alcoholics don’t smell like booze and piss; it needs to get pretty bad before it starts becoming noticable. But anyone who recently smoked any pot is going to absolutely reek of it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying people shouldn’t be alowed to smoke pot. But if were going to be trappped in same enclesed space for the next 10 hours could you at least do edibles instead? Some of the people I work around literally make my eyes water some days.
Only if we also stop people from using cologne and perfume, because that stuff makes my eyes water literally every single time I smell it.
I’m for that. Some people slather that shit on like it’s sunscreen. I shouldn’t be able to smell someone from across the room for any reason. Pot is just the most frequent offender in my line of work.
Hell yeah. I like the smell of pot (but I don’t like smoking it) and prefer it over perfume or cologne hahaha
Most drunks don’t smell like alcohol though, you’re totally correct on that point. Only if they’re talking into my nose.
Quick edit: mephedrone was the worst offender for users smelling bad. It was legitimately cat piss smell that would seep put yer pores. I’m glad it’s been gone for a long while now.
The smell of weed has always been abhorrent to me. A true blooded alcoholic reeks like shit too, but most casual drinkers, or even alcoholics that care enough to still have good hygiene, don’t smell nearly as bad to me.
But to each their own and whatnot.
Weed IS known for smelling like skunks, and skunk spray isn’t meant to smell nice
Makes me wonder who was the crazy fucker in the past who first tried weed and what the fuck was wrong with their nose?
I don’t like the feeling of weed anymore and yet I still enjoy the smell. I’ve got to be a gross person.
What’s really fun is the smell of multi-organ failure when you’re helping with hospice for an alcoholic.
If only there was some way to consume weed that didn’t involve smoking it.
I make edibles, and I’m always looking for recipes with strong flavor because I hate the taste of marijuana. Mint is a good one.
You can buy gummies to smoke, it’s a way different smell. 🧠
Wait wait wait, police here here, this guys smokes the EVIL HERB.
Nah. I’m not a fan of weed. I just do shrooms. Or at least I did before I wound up on a med that also happens to be basically shroom narcan.
Ssri’s/ssnri’s huh? Fucking sucks…
Yup. Buspirone. It’s basically shuts down the exact receptors that psylocybin works on. Now shrooms just make me nauseous.
Bro, just eat it.
They said smoke in the post. That’s why I said smoke. I’m well aware edibles are a thing. That’s the only way it’s currently legal in my state.
Yeah that’s fine. Just wanted to offer some advice to someone who might want to enjoy THC but hates the smell of weed smoke :) but apparently you gud. The ONLY way? Wow that’s crazy. To be fair it’s the best way so wtev lol. But if that’s the only way, are you allowed to grow it? Can’t you have like 3 plants or something? How are you supposed to make your own edibles if you can’t grow it?
The reason it’s only legal as edibles is because the republicans in my state senate accidentally merged a bill that specified an allowable amount of THC in food meant to legalize delta 8 THC edibles. But the law never specified the type of THC and it placed no limit on the amount of edibles you could buy. They weren’t intending to pass it yet but at the end of a session it got accidentally merged with a bunch of other bills that they were passing and got passed anyways. Theres a fun news story about it.
Now we have also passed the laws to legalize pot in general. But we don’t have the specifics worked out as far as dispensary laws and liscensed growers yet so even though it’s technically legal my understanding is that theres still no legal way to get outside of edibles.
That is SO funny. Thank you
If you don’t like alcohol, that’s a good thing. Keep not liking alcohol. There’s nothing wrong with that.
I find it really odd the number of posts saying “You know this thing humans have been doing for thousands of years across many independent cultures? You’re all just faking it it actually tastes bad.”
Because it feels good to be intoxicated. Next.
Right, and it can be fun to do in a social setting, hence pubs. Also, there is a huge world of mixed drinks, ranging from “I can’t tell this is alcohol” to “that is a unique flavor otherwise unobtainable.” Ginger beer and vodka, Fanta and Sazerac rye, appletinis, rum and coke, Rusty nails, margaritas, etc. A person might not choose to drink for one reason or another but there are a million ways to make it taste good to you.
I recently had Apple Cider which was basically juice in taste with the buzz of alcohol, I would love to have it every time if it was not a locally brewed thing for the pub I was at
Alcohol has different effects on people based on their genetics. It makes some people feel amazing, and if they keep drinking they continue to feel amazing for hours. It makes some people immediately feel awful. It makes some people feel good but also very sleepy. The first group is much more likely to experience alcoholism.
The taste is a separate thing. I am part of the third group but I’ll have a single drink on occasion, and I enjoy the way that beer, wine, spirits, and cocktails taste. I think that the alcohol does make them taste a little better, but they also tend to taste good without it.
I often drink non-alcoholic beers or mocktails for the taste, because alcohol is after all a poison and it is a good idea to limit consumption.
As someone in the third group, the trick is to fight the sleepiness long enough that you end up in the first group, usually with a heavy dose of caffeine. I think that may be why “and Coke” drinks are so popular. And then you can karaoke endlessly and go find pizza and gyros at 4AM.
And then feel like shit the next three days because now that you’re over 30 your body takes umbridge to such abuse.
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Alcohol has been a fellow traveller for millennia, so it only makes sense that evolution would give us the tools to survive it
I used to be in the first group, but now I’m in the last group. Actually, it mostly just makes me tired now, not really that enjoyable anymore. I tend to avoid it in social situations now because of this.
I’ve never tried non alcoholic beer. I’m assuming it doesn’t make you sleepy?
I was surprised to find that non-alcoholic beers specifically do still make me sleepy. I looked into it and there is some research that says that other compounds in beer could be responsible, or it could just be the placebo effect since I’m used to feeling sleepy after drinking beer.
I don’t know if I agree with your alcoholism theory, I would put myself in the first group but you can count on one hand the number of times I drink in a year.
I think that’s normal as well. What I meant to convey is: if someone is an alcoholic, then they are likely to be in the first group. I didn’t mean to imply the opposite: if someone is in the first group, then they are likely to be an alcoholic.
Alcohol lowers inhibitions more than marijuana, not to mention the paranoia that lots of people get from weed.
I don’t need alcohol. I have no inhibitions 8)
The only reason people get addicted to alcohol is because it’s the only drug that doesn’t get you fired from your job. It’s nasty stuff but when your life sucks its unfortunately better than nothing. Want to change this? Vote.
I’m really tired of seeing people tell me to vote in between all the articles I see about conservatives rigging elections, throwing out ballots, gerrymandering districts, etc etc. I do vote, the world still gets shittier every day.
Drugs affect people differently. One or two drinks makes me giggly and buzzed. Weed just makes me sleepy, even sativa.
I’ve hated the taste of every beer I’ve tried, most cocktails, and most wines. But moscato and mai tais are pretty tasty, fruity margaritas as well
Username checks out
Same here, except for this Apple Cider thing I had recently, I was told it’s a beer but it’s basically juice in taste and the buzz was really nice
It’s always weed lovers who have to yuck someone else’s yum
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Anon is me irl, I tried alcohol once and it was disgusting. Same for coffee, I have no idea why people drink it unless they’re addicted to the caffeine.
Because when you get over/get used to the bitterness, theres a lot of flavor in coffee. You just need your senses to either acclimate to it, or you need to get older. As you age, you lose sensitivity in some taste receptors which makes formerly overpowering flavors less offensive.
Same thing for tea, and cheese, and most things kids hate but adults love. Thats why youre supposed to try things again every 5-10 years.
There is so much variation in both categories that trying “one” of each really isn’t going to cut it. You don’t have to try more but there’s probably some you’d enjoy if you wanted to.
Eh people have been saying this to me for decades about coffee. But if you hate even coffee ice cream and the smell of coffee, you’re probably not finding any you like. Which is OK. Not everyone has to like it.
There is hope. I was once as you described: Coffee ice cream tasted foul, and even tiramisu was too much for me. I would have an occasional sip of someone’s coffee drink just to see if my tastes had changed and I always hated it. Then one day, my boyfriend made coffee using a French press, instead of the drip that he normally made. I tried a sip and it as if a switch had flipped. No cream, no sugar, just a really damn good cup of coffee. Now making (and drinking) coffee and espresso are among my favorite daily routines.
I actually like the taste of black coffee. At one time I also had decaf coffee so that I could drink it in the evening!
I do this now. coffee is a great after dinner drink.
Couldn’t be the it’s just you who doesn’t like the taste, right?
Funnily enough I can’t stand the taste of alcohol, but I love a well made coffee. Then again if you’re American then I completely understand your position, American coffee is some of the worst coffee I’ve ever seen, it looks and tastes like dirty water. A good coffee is rich with flavor and has a nice consistency.
I looooove the taste of nice coffee. Pourover and especially cold brew. Black.
It makes my tummy angry though :c
That first cup of black coffee in the morning is my factory reset. Best way to start the day
I’m now fully cold brew, and I’ve been cheating on black coffee by putting a tiny bit of white chocolate syrup in it. Someone suggested monin brand and it’s delicious. I have to be careful though because it’s way too easy to put too much in. It’s like a chain coffee shop drink but instead of 300+cal it’s like 20.
On alcohol, there are a lot of different tasting kinds with very different flavours
On coffee, that one actually requires you to keep drinking it until you get used to the bitterness. It has a lot of flavours in it, but you kind of need to hold your tongue for ransom until your brain goes, “Fuck it I refuse to register bitter anymore”
On both, a lot of it is genuine crap. ESPECIALLY in North America
Some of them taste good to me and I like the feeling of being drunk
All of them taste bitter to me and my bladder becomes irritated. So I’ll just stay clean/boring.
Someone needs to tell this guy about drinks you can get in bars that aren’t alcoholic but are cool. Order a lemon lime and bitters, or virgin mary, or something else fun, and socialise without drinking booze…