What the Yanks and their dogs did and continue to do to the people in Afghanistan just gives me a viceral reaction like nothing else. As sad as it is to say, it isn’t any worse than what they did to Iraqis, Yemenis, Libyans, Syrians, Vietnamese, etc, but it still pisses me off more because of the absolute nonchalance with which libs shrug it off. There’s not the slightest bit of sympathy for this people’s entirely unnecessary suffering. On the contrary, it’s constantly insinuated they deserve it because they’re just goat herding, misogynist cavemen. Fucking despicable.
Also not super important or well known, but what they did to Victor Jara always gets me too. Guy was a teacher, socialist and a fairly well known musician, so ofc Pinochet had him tortured and murdered. Because he was a guitarist, they smashed his hands and fingers and asked him to play the guitar. Mad lad instead sang the protest song Venceremos before they offed him. The defiance in the face of cruelty like this is just heartbreaking.
Also fuck those savages for cutting of Che’s hands.
Why do fascists have such a hatred for socialists? People who only want to help the world and all peoples. Do they hate us so much because they are secretly envious of our ability to have compassion instead of selfishness?
They hate us because we are the biggest threat to fascist (very few liberals do anything to stop fascism), also fascism needs a scapegoat so socialists will be scapegoats (along with most minorities).
Here, in Romania, they dug up the graves of socialist leaders and martyrs from the mausoleum in Carol Park, and had them reburied in several other cemeteries.
Against oppressed people: the Holocaust, against socialist heroes: Allende
Also even though I would hesitate calling him a socialist, how Ceausescu and his wife were killed after a hasty show trial disgusts me.
I went to a shooting range and you could buy a target with all of the based commy leaders as a target. It has Che, Fidel, Stalin and I forget who else.
What they did to Fred Hamptom gives me a visceral reaction just thinking about it.
Poland after 1989. For the 1000 years of history we finally had a true state serving the people. Since 1989 it is demonised publicly 100% of the time.