Micro plastics in the soil 😠
Yes please if you’re going to do this be responsible and use a real skeleton.
It should also be locally sourced
Wtf, it belongs into my blood
And bweast milk OwO
macro plastics 🤤
This would scar me for life and I’d never recover
Not even once you find out it’s plastic?
By the time I’ve called the police (which would feel utterly horrible), and the police have confirmed it was just plastic, I’d be a rattled mess for a long time. (I’m already mildly mentally ill and this would not help)
I’m in your walls, I’m in your balls
Are you going to rub him out?
Can you get in mine too?
Do my butt next!
Lol, lmao, perhaps
I’d do my very best to see if it was realor plastic before I called the cops, they would probably try to blame you for the murder.
If you find something that looks like human remains hidden in a shallow grave, you really shouldn’t go poking around at it and disturbing it. If it is real, the forensic people will be pissed if you’ve been down there giving it a good fondle before they get there.
I’m less worried about the forensic people at my local PD (They don’t have one) and more worried about the very real possibility that no matter what evidence is found, it will get pinned on who found it, because cops in small town Okkahoma are not the same as cops on TV.
EDIT: Also, it’s worth mentioning that anyone who has a dog will be able to determine if that’s a plastic skeleton or not.
It will help.
The new owner would report the previous owner to the police
Well, they’d probably just call the police, who would come and find its plastic. Maybe it would stop them from harassing a minority for a minute.
… unless the new home owner is a minority.
Oh shit
TRUE STORY: I was rebuilding a deck over sandy soil and-having seen this meme before- I mentioned to the homeowner doing the same thing. We chuckled.
A week later I got a call asking if I actually did that. “No, why?”…“because we were planting a tree and dug up human bones.” WTF?!
Yes, indeed, they had. Turns out this was the site of a great battle a couple hundred years ago and all the bodies were just lightly sanded over. It was a big issue when a shopping center was built, and all remains were gathered and reinterred in a gated spit in the parking lot.
A similar thing happened where I grew up. An old farm sold to become a strip mall, during preliminary stuff they discovered a bunch of shallow graves. Since they were likely native American given the area (depending on which side of a river it could be native Americans or civil war soldiers), they were reburied in a large mound near the back of the lot.
Since it’s next to a pet store, people walk their dogs to piss and shit all over it.
And that about sums up local feelings for natives.
When my ex and I were looking at the house we bought, on our first walkthrough, I noticed the space between two rooms didn’t add up, and there must be hidden space behind the paneling in one room. Our agent joked that maybe there’s a dead body stashed in there.
Fast forward a year, he writes a short novel about a real estate agent who finds a dead body in a house during a walkthrough.
Still can’t get over that.
Your ex wrote the novel? How did it sell?
Hmm. Re-doing my deck right now . . .
I wonder how this would stand up to water under the deck?
I don’t think it will have enough room to stand up
Dad, what are you doing on the internet again?
As it’s probably PVC or abs, it can fall apart in a couple of years when exposed to uv. But as it’s covered by the deck, it will probably stay intact for a long time.
Oh yeah, I mostly meant the water washing up the dirt and either completely covering or uncovering it
risky but funi
In Germany it’s a crime to pretent a crime.
deleted by creator
Plot twist: Someone took this opportunity to get rid of a real skeleton by selling it anonymously as a plastic one.