But Stalker finally dropped Hate for me.
I swear this game has it out for me.
Ironically, Hate was the first of the stalker weapons to drop for me back when I started. Despair was the one I never got.
Steam time? I’m over twice that and only have 2 blueprints so that sounds about right.
It took me 3-4 YEARS to get a Hate drop playing off and on (going on binges with large content releases then tapering off each year). Countless copies of Dread and Despair. Even a War or two. Never the Hate. Then one day it just happened. It’s because I was no longer seeking it, thus I found its enlightenment (or something).
Hate dropped fast for me. One part of Harrow (i can’t remember which), however, almost made me quit the game.
Glad I’m not the only one with horrible RNG for this game. Not on that part but relic cracking is my doom. Grats!
Sitting on around 24 dreads and some despairs, have not found hate after about 1000 hours life, so thankful DE is putting in pity timers on new grinds
I would say the game Hates you but clearly that’s not the case.
I actually ended up with the hate one time about a year ago, and played with it some (it was pretty good but not insane at the time). Now though, MAN with the incarnon form buffs and whatnot it’s my favorite melee to use at the moment, super powerful weapon with incarnon! :)
Got a build to share? I incarnoned it the first week and found the self-starter frustrating. I noticed they’ve removed that now so I should give it another shot
I do actually! Apologies for the not so timely response though :). Here’s what I’ve been using:
Still waiting on my dispair to drop, but I’m only at 1200ish hours. Some day
You just unlocked an old memory of me grinding Stalker for his full weapon set during Beta. Did they change the drop rate? I don’t remember it being challenging.
Hate and Dread dropped alot for me…but it was around day 900 before I got Despair!