You’ll never take me alive nintendo! Splatoon just isn’t good enough to get me to close the game and lose my unlimited supply of swords and rockbreakers!

    2 years ago

    I wouldn’t word it that strongly, but I totally get what you mean. While I love the core gameplay loop and world much, much more than botw (I was one of the very few heretics who were just lukewarm on botw, instead of seeing it as game of the millennium; while I really love totk and get why people are raving about it), I feel like Nintendo did just one virtual currency too many. Needing to collect and exchange like three or four different zonai stuff to upgrade the battery and buying building materials and fabricating premades. While still needing the shrines and korok seeds, to upgrade health and stamina, collectible currency like the poes and obviously rubies, feel like a very imbalanced in game economy, which in turn makes the grind so bad, it’s unbearable sometimes. Even though each currency in and of itself is fairly easy to grind in my opinion, just not everything at once. At the same time totk gives the illusion of a fairly creative game, where grinding isn’t even warranted. Just let me build stuff!

      2 years ago

      Fully understand you aswell, I just prefer the first game to the second. I am by no means saying totk is bad, I really enjoy it, especially the building, but it gets a bit too tedious for me at times. I don’t know what it was in the first game which got me hooked, but they’re clearly missing it in totk for me lol.