Kind of a generic question, but it’s one I always like hearing the answer to.
I’d probably buy a house, just big enough to live comfortably, maybe a 2 bedroom? And possibly start my own hosting company for controversial content. That seems like it would be fun.
I would probably try to share the rest with family/friends and keep enough just to comfortably yet modestly live on.
Alright, now it’s your turn!
1 million dollars in this economy is sadly not worth as much as it used to be, so I’d probably invest it. After growing the money a bit to the point I’m set for life, I’d start philanthropizing. I’d probably ask people smarter than me about what the most good I can do with the money I have is, ala effective altruism. I might start my own charities/organizations. I can’t really imagine myself splurging much on expensive things without feeling guilty about the people who need my money more than me that I could be helping. I’m a total simp for ethics.
If I was rich enough, I’d hire lobbyists to try and get the goverment to tax the rich, get rid of the electoral college, and ban lobbyists lol, among other things. Idk, I’d just try my best to make a dent in the suffering people live through.
“I used the riches to tax the riches”