I’ve been dipping my toes into NextJS, Vercel, PlanetScale, and other serverless / edge providers, and there’s so many terms / concepts thrown my way that I feel overwhelmed a lot of the time.
I mean, I’m already a web developer well versed with React, and I love my SPA setup with Vite, so for others outside the web dev space, this must be a nightmare to keep up with.
Was curious to hear your thoughts on the rapidly evolving space of web dev.
I do keep up with modern web development but that tends to be changes to things like CORS, client hints, things like that. I never used JavaScript and am never gonna start.
Development is much more simple and stable, and the user experience is far superior, when you cut out JavaScript.
Svelte is where the fun is 🙂
We have a guy doing svelte on my team and it looks great, I’m just hoping it’s not going to be a blocker down the road when we need more people. Is it popular these days?
Yes, even Apple has been hiring Svelte developers for 4 or so years
My current open source project is a programming language engine, which I implemented in Kotlin and compile to the JVM, Native as well as JS. That means I can run the JS version in a browser, but I don’t have to deal (much with JS itself). The actual web UI is very minimal, because developing for the web is, as you correctly asserted, a nightmare.
When I start to feel overwhelmed, I just go check the Days since the last new JavaScript framework counter.
Usually calms me down.
Fireship on YouTube gives my regular dose of new frameworks and similar developments. Apart from that not really.