Since we dont rely on ads we rely on sharing the plataform in other social media and when someone suggests Lemmy they always comment that they do not like the controversy there. Ban politics and Lemmy will grow faster

    2 years ago

    Because of the decentralized nature of the Lemmy system, you can’t “ban politics from Lemmy.”

    Lemmy isn’t one server, one site, one platform. It’s a bunch of different platforms that follow the same protocol and talk to each other. Anyone and everyone can create their own Lemmy, and by default it will federate (talk to and share content with) other “Lemmies”. For example, you are posting this to That is one instance of the Lemmy software in action. I am commenting from, which is another instance of the Lemmy software in action. My instance is moderated differently than your instance, by different people.

    It’s a strong-suite of the open source, decentralized nature of the platform. We avoid censorship from bad faith parties, or from people who have no idea what running a social media platform should look like. Politics isn’t going anywhere.

      2 years ago

      Besides, we already had this discussion with content warnings on Mastodon: what’s political? Some people coming from a position of privilege decided to throw a tantrum because Black people and LGBTQ people talking about their daily lives is “political”. In practice people use the world political to describe what they don’t feel comfortable with and shut it down. Which leads to problem number 2, a society can only thrive if we are willing to discuss public issues (i.e. politics), if this doesn’t happens the society stagnates and drifts into some shape of aristocracy or oligarchy at best and an autocracy at worst.