Beyond that, what are their plans for the future? How does its government function and what is the general opinion that the DPRK’s people have of their country?

Most importantly, where can I read about this sort of thing myself?

    2 years ago

    This also disproves that the DPRK is a monarchy since all 3 Kims held different roles in government, and KIS and KJI’s roles were split up into smaller positions after their death.

    to further demolish that monarchy nonsense, just like to point out that Korea is a confucionist country, i haven’t read much on eastern philosophy to point out how this fits but some trusty comrades said that this “succession” of the kim family is because of that, so KJU has a lot of prestige because this family also did great deeds, his great grandfather (or great great don’t remember) fought a attempt of colonization by statunians, in which he burned their ship, and there is his grandparents that doesn’t need any commentary. imho he is doing a very good job in running the country against impossible odds, not only the insane economic blockade there is also a shit load of ordnance pointed to then