Sopuli will be updated today at 17:00 (Finnish time) into Lemmy’s version 0.17.4. The newest version includes desirable performance optimizations. The update also includes a database update, and therefore Sopuli may be down for approximately 30 minutes. I learned from the last time that I need to tell about these kinds of things beforehand. Let me know if you notice any performance boosts after the update.
Sopuli päivitetään tänään klo 17:00 Lemmyn versioon 0.17.4. Uusin versio sisältää toivottuja suorituskyvyn optimointeja. Päivitykseen sisältyy myös tietokannan päivitys, minkä takia Sopuli saattaa olla alhaalla noin 30 minuuttia. Opin viime kerrasta, että tällaisista asioista kannattaa kertoa etukäteen. Kertokaa jos huomaatte suorituskyvyn parantuneen päivityksen jälkeen.
You are doing great! Keep up the good work!
Oh thank you!
Yes, thanks for running this instance. Must be a little crazy with the Reddit drama right now.
Your work is appreciated!
Any idea how to set up a hot-swap? Maybe some sort of document based storage + a load-balancer would be required, lol. Not sure if any lemmy instance has done this yet.
I appreciate it! Thank you so much.
Oh thank you!
Assuming update is done at this time. Sopuli seems to be loading a bit faster for me now. Not sure if just placebo effect though
The update was done, and apparently no huge database update happened. But that’s just good, no long downtime!
Seemed way too smooth for an upgrade. Nice.
thanks for the heads-up!
last time I wasn’t sure where to check, what’s happening and needed to resort to /r/sopuli …
and a obligatory thanks for your work and server :-)When the last unexpected downtime happened, I checked OP’s Mastodon account.
thanks for the link! :-D