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Please be advised that if you use the connect app, it doesn’t always correctly parse links to lemmy posts. If they’re not working for you, you can follow the whole plotline on my site. (These comics are in reverse chronological order, so start at the end and work backwards.)
I like to imagine Sune as someone who spends her afternoons on the sofa watching people’s relationships.
Imagine your date goes badly, and a Planetar shows up.
When you
so hard it requires divine intervention
Divine Intervention is a pretty funny skill. In our campaign Tymora has put Konsi in a temporary timeout from using it, because Konsi managed to get three passes in a row.
I love that sticker/image so much, do you also have a Nat 20 one?
I need these on a mug!
I’m not sure what a Hexbear is but I’ll duck it!