There is an authoritarian danger that threatens American democracy. It is a separate peril from Donald Trump and his tens of millions of rabid supports. It is the right-wing infrastructure that is publicly plotting to undermine the checks and balances of our constitutional order and concentrate unprecedented power in the presidency. Its efforts, if successful and coupled with a Trump (or other GOP) victory in 2024, would place the nation on a path to autocracy.
It already got packed. Do you not remember longer than a month ago? First a new Justice was blocked by the Republican House, who then went against their own grounds to install even more right-favoring justices. Then that group overturned Roe v. Wade, running against a “supermajority” of society’s view on reproductive rights.
So is it just convenient for you to pretend that didn’t happen when pointing fingers, or do you legitimately not understand what’s going on?
@alignedchaos @mister_monster Republican House blocked what now?
You mean Senator Mitch “whaddya do if another justice needed to be appointed to fill a vacancy in an election year with Trump in office? {giggle to himself} I’d fill it” McConnell somehow used the Democratic held House in '20 to fill RBG’s seat with the help of Republican minority?
We are using two definitions of packing. In my view, and the common view when the term has been used, nominating and confirming replacements for open seats on the court is not called “packing”. Adding new seats because you don’t like the make up of the court is what people usually mean when they use the word.
Right, and you’re just going to completely ignore that they made that opening remain open until their guy could nominate the judge they wanted because of a rule they made up that they completely trashed a few years later. Yeah okay.
Also who exactly is talking about adding seats? Citations needed.
I think that should suffice. I don’t normally respond to “source?” but this one was easy, all on the front page of a search, and only a few.
Huh, not one single person with any power to do anything. Why exactly should I care, when the people who could do something have repeatedly and explicitly said they ain’t gonna?
You asked who was talking about it. That looks like a big propaganda push to normalize the idea. And besides, that last link negates what you said anyway.