Scorched Earth? Or is this the one before that?
It’s Scorched Earth! Looks comically simple now but boy was that a blast.
Man my poor pc got absolutely hammered by the giant dirt bombs and the deaths head / mirv
I never actually played this at home. They had it on our school computers and it was a mainstay of the day.
Our elementary school computers had one copy of Odells lake on a 5 1/2 in floppy disk and some copies of Oregon trail to share.
We had crab volleyball on our high school computers.
It’s scorched earth!
Scorched earth!
I still play Scorched Earth with my friends while having a few beers
It holds up as a party game really well
It does! You can go all out or just play normally haha
I miss MSDOS 6.22
Me too. I want to buy a vintage Packaged Bell 100ish MHZ computer one day for the shear nostalgia.
If no one guesses right this will be a massive shot to my ego, which is already on life support
Pssh, I’m not that old.
…I’m actually this old.
100 time this! And now I feel old(er)
I was just thinking of gorrillas.bas!!
Scorched earthhhhh
Ah yes… back when the turbo button made games run faster 🫠
The turbo button actually slowed things down, it was just labeled in reverse. The whole purpose was to allow older games that were tied to clock speed to be playable on faster CPUs.
Really?!? It was so long ago, but I do remember trying to see what difference it made lol. I do remember some games like you said that ran faster and some it had no effect on. I was around 10 or so and was messing around with games in basic and playing MUDS on my library’s gopher access via dialup
Yes. When they started to come out with ibm models that had 8 and 12MHz chips they realized that a lot of the games had been tied to the original 4.77MHz clock speed for their timing, so on the faster computers they were unplayable. The turbo button, which slowed the computer down was the solution.
TIL for sure. Crazy. Thanks for the explanation!
I remember it well. The ultimate shot was called Deaths head and it destroyed half the poligon. Later versions has way more options for shooting including lasers.
We got nothing done at school because of this game.
Scorched Earth: The Mother of All Games. Die Commie Pigs!!!
I played this a LOT on the IBM PS2 computers at my highschool! We made all sorts of custom death responses. My proudest moment was only having enough money to buy a Mag Deflector before the round and then having it bounce a would-be direct MIRV strike onto a friend’s tank beside me.
All the computers in the Electronics lab had it installed on them; we wasted so much time playing. That was such a complete screw-off class, haha.
Same, I have no idea how it even worked but we spent to much time playing this.
Where’s the skiing game at?
Oh no! This is what I get for scrolling all the way to the bottom of the thread…
I remember it very well! Played it far too much!
Scorched Earth
Bingo is a totally different game
I was gonna guess lunar lander, is it basically the same thing?