Is it possible to improve the Finnish localization? E.g. Joined is translated to “liittyi” (“it joined”) which doesn’t make any sense in the actual context for “being subscribed”. I think “Jäsen” (member) would be better expression for clarity or at least “Liitytty” ([have been] joined).

Another weird one is “Viesti” (“message”/“communicate”) for send message button. I think it feels like “a message” as a noun and not as “to message” verb. “Lähetä” (“Send”) would be much more understandable for Finnish speakers.

    2 years ago

    I also dislike “viesti” a bit. I don’t think it’s often used in this context. Besides lanka, ketju and keskustelu, julkaisu might also work. It just puts more emphasis on the original post than the discussion about it. And it’s a bit stiff word.