Recommended Readings:
- The Philosophy of Social Ecology by Murray Bookchin.
- Mutual Aid by Pyotr Kropotkin.
- The Dispossessed by Ursula K Le Guin (fiction)
They do have a profit insentive though. It’s just not a monetary one
This is correct, phosphorus and nitrogen is exchanged for carbohydrates. Mutually beneficial symbiosis.
I’m all about enlightened self-interest.
Like, altruism is rad and all, but some people are only ever going to be helpful if they stand to gain something, and it’s best we remind them of what they stand to gain at every opportunity.
Altruism is not without reward, even if it seems like it is. No one acts selflessly for no reason, they do so because they are rewarded by their body with dopamine and other “reward” hormones - i.e. because it feels good to do so.
Ok Corduroy Jackson Jackson
Dopamine is what drives humans.
This is often called externalities. I don’t mind this argument, after all, leftism is based on Economics. Marx was an economist. And modern economics sweeps over this to propogandize students about adam smith and grt them to argue over modrrn neoliberal issues. However, we all stand to gain the farther left we go - the only of those who don’t are the owner class who squeezes us dry.
Marx was an economist like Freud was a psychologist
some people are only ever going to be helpful if they stand to gain something,
Only if you believe the lies capitalism created and encourages in to fruition in order to exist and survive:
Benefit ≠ profit.
Free thinker alert! Arrest these shrooms immediately!
Are there any shrooms in the audience tonight? Put them up against the wall!
Just read The Dispossessed last month. It’s a good one for sure 👍
I read it a few months back and it is one of the best books I’ve ever read
Do you have the books on pdf or a link to a free access ?
You the real OG.
Thanks 👍
Based reading list
Bookchin was kinda a butthead, but he was a smart butthead, and his books change my life every time I read one.
They are not sharing resources. They are exchanging them. Like labor separation. Each side profits
Not sure if /s or not, but benefit ≠ profit.
It absolutely is. That’s why there is labour separation exist. Both parties get more (that is profit from it), as result of exchange, as compared to how much each of them would get, if they have to make everything themselves. Beneficial and profitable are synonyms in this context.
Fungi even withhold the exchange if they feel that the tree isn’t giving enough resources.