****FIXED IT! ****

    if "TXXX:FMPS_Rating_Amarok_Score" in tags:
      rating = tags["TXXX:FMPS_Rating_Amarok_Score"]
      print([key for key in rating])
      print(" ".join(["No rating exists for",mp3_file,"this song"]))

This code snippet prints the key as ['0.66'] That 0.66 is the exact value that I need?

A searching the internet showed me that people often want this the other way round, but no one seems to try to do what I’m doing? Does anyone have any idea on how to do it?

  • @sabreW4K3OP
    26 months ago

    I did indeed, it resulted in this script https://lemmy.tf/post/3359226

    If you have any advice on how to improve it, I would greatly appreciate it.

    Also, thank you for the print information. That’s really helpful.